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Getting back into IF is difficult for me at the moment

I used to be a gun at fasting with the ability to easily do 18:6 and even OMAD. I’ve fasted on and off for the past 1.5 years. I haven’t made as much progress as I want for various reasons and personal issues which I’ve now mostly overcome. I used to document on my fitness pal also.

Since I’ve been taking care of my kids more now that my ex goes away for various reasons, I have been eating with them rather than fasting and it seems to get harder and harder to get back into the groove. I feel bad at dinner not eating with them.

Anyone gone through the same thing? OMAD for me is hard at moment along with even applying thought into eating good all the time.

I really want to get my groove back as I know I was making some progress.

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I got you, but they’re your kids my dude, you have to change some things for them, if you can’t do 18 hours maybe try 16 eating small portions, I know it’s not the same, but the only person more important for me than myself it’s my son and if being with him changes my IF hours, so be it

Don’t be so hard on yourself OP, you’ll find a way


Mindset by Carol Dweck, I have read it easily ten times. Something I noticed in my own life was that when things were easy, I could do things easily. As soon as life started throwing spanners in my face, that was when my character came out. That book helped me to understand that being happy is weathering whatever challenges life throws at you.

So basically I got to the point, where instead of stopping the things that were important when things got tough, I made those things even more important. Please message me anytime if you need help, I really want to see you find long term success. Good luck! <3

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