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Getting back on the wagon

IF and low-carb have really helped me in the last year with high blood sugar. But in the last two months, I had two cataract surgeries and then there was Christmas! Oh, and then bitter cold and COVID made the idea of working out at the gym daunting… I got thrown off my routine and my blood sugar numbers went up.

Yesterday was the first day I was able to get back on my routine. I did one meal at lunch and this morning my blood sugar numbers were down. Thank God! My lapse has me sort of discouraged and looking for tips and encouragement here.

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I feel your pain mate. I’m hypertensive and pre-diabetic. I’ve been at IF for 10 days and all the important numbers are down. I’m doing 20:4 alternating OMAD.

You got this. Just start out with a plan that you find comfortable and take it from there.


It’s not the big decision of DOING IT that matters, it’s the hundreds of decisions throughout the day that matter.

Keep your mind on what you’re accomplishing and how you’d feel if you quit on yourself.

Don’t give up!


Cataract surgery has to be a stressor. Holidays are difficult, food-wise. Winter can be difficult, endless cold and dark. Now Omicron is everwhere….good times! I have SADS and that makes winter more difficult. You might want to read up on it and see if you have any of the symptoms. You will find your way back, hang in there! I lapsed over the Holidays and gained back about 10+ lbs since Thanksgiving. I’m just starting back up with healthy eating now, I’m not expecting it to be easy but I’ll do the best I can. You’re not alone!

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Categories: blood sugar working out lunch morning courage tips pain omad stress holidays