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Getting back on track

I was feeling really good, lost almost 10lbs after two months of IF and longer fasting and my cravings were disappearing. Around two weeks ago I had a procedure that gave me awful cramps for a couple of days and I just couldn’t bring myself to fast. Maybe it was psychological but not having hunger pangs on top of everything seemed to help. I thought it’d just be those couple of days, and I’d get right back on track after. But then me and my boyfriend got covid and holed up at home for two weeks, just sleeping and ordering food and I gained ~5lbs which was about a months worth of work for me and it feels super demotivating and totally throws off what my goal for the end of the year was. :( I even wanted to try a longer fast yesterday but gave into cravings instead, but today is the real back on track!

I also want to try and add walking to my routine since I want to be more active and of course that will also help with weight loss. My friend mentioned she tries to at least get 2k to 5k steps in per day which I think is a good start. Last night I went on a walk and got 5.2k steps in and felt great! So I want to keep at it and keep working. I know this is just a little setback and as long as I keep at it I’ll get results. It’s just really frustrating to be at the start of it again because while I’m sure in two weeks I’ll begin to see the fruits of my labor again, right now I just feel bummed about how I’ve backtracked. I just wanted to vent a bit and maybe get some motivation. No matter what, I’ll keep pushing! I know we all will make it as long as we keep trying.

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The fact you are posting this shows you are motivated to get back to it. Which is a result in itself! It is too easy to go back to old habits and at least you are aware of it.

We all have blips and that is cool as long as they don’t turn into the norm.

10lbs was a great result! When you add the walking as well you will see even better losses. So you should blast past your current score in no time.

I am sure you have figured this out, but don’t forget plenty of water during the fast. I know that helps me. Also black coffee no sugar is a handy appetite suppressant. Again a little trick which I use.

Good luck I am sure you and your SO will nail it.

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