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Getting back on track after a miscarriage

Hello there,

I am F31 SW 70kg CW 66.8kg. Height 5’2

I actually started IF back in mid June of 2020. My SW was 70kg. I started with prolonged fasts x 2 of 3 days fasts. After that I pretty much did 20hr everyday. I added fasted workout in September and saw a significant amount of body recomposition. Also did a special test and saw that I lost some percentage of body fat with IF alone.

For those of you wondering that’s not a lot of weight loss as in a number on a scale then that’s because I am a small person and I don’t have much to loose so for me body recomposition is more important then a number on the scale or how my clothes fit.

Anywho, mid October I got pregnant so I stopped everything. Early Jan of 2023 I have had a miscarriage. I want to get back on track because I don’t know what’s happened to my body but I seem to have grown a strange looking football type belly. It looks so unattractive and nothing fits me in that mid section. I have also gained 2-3kg of weight. Is this pregnancy weight? And I’ve heard that you can loose that quick.

Here is my plan to get back on track.

  1. Fast 20:4
  2. Exercise 3 x days a week

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Yeah, give your uterus time to shrink back. Even tho the baby was tiny, there were lots of blood vessels and what not being built up to support the baby. Even your body’s blood volume increased.

A healthy woman gains 25 pounds to have an 8 pound baby … so there’s more happening in your body than just the baby.

Sorry for your loss. Still sad about my baby lost 14 years ago. All the best going forward for you!


I’m sorry for your loss.

Give your body time to come back to the prepregnancy form. You can jump on IF, but don’t force yourself. Slowly and surely.
Remember that mental health is equally as important as physical. Give yourself time to grieve. Please take care.

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