| | Water Fasting

Getting back on track is so Fing hard.

So to give a quick summary of my wright loss journey I started fasting and doing keto alongside working out 5/6 times a day on October 2021.

I was 200 kg ( 440 lbs )

And I reached 110 kg ( 243 lbs ) on October 2022.

Now I have a huge mental block, I returned to eating carbs on and off and not going to the gym and it fucking sucks.

Now I am 115 kg ( 254 lbs ) and I just feel like shit.

Right now I am fasting 20 hours (in my 18th hour rn) and planning on eating 0 carbs so wish me luck I guess.

This post is basically an accountably post cause I want to get back on track, and tbh I just wanted to get all this off my chest.

Sorry if this post seems useless I just don’t know anywhere else I can go to vent and this community has been great to me so I didn’t know where else to go.

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Hey man, take a pause and think of the journey you’ve been on and cut yourself a little slack. This is a mental game 100% and it’s easy to get distracted with BS and self doubt, especially at this time of year. Take stock and ease back into this, you know you can do it. Give yourself back the self belief, you’ve f@c#ing earned it.


You are trying to do too much, too fast. Start with one of these, and get used to it. Then add another. IE, get back to fasting, get back into the rhythm, then start adding some exercise. It’s not an all or nothing thing. You are just setting yourself up for failure if you think this way.


Hey, we all backslide, it happens!

Take a breath. Smile. Make an affirmation that you can repeat when those “stinkin’ thinkin’ “ thoughts creep in.

You’re doing great things! Put a positive spin on how far you’ve come and focus there.


Same though I haven’t transformed like you- incredible! Cut yourself some slack- you achieved something impressive as hell; just focus on the habits, not the guilt and you’ll be fine. I need to cut carbs back out too. Christmas cookies screwed me up, I was doing pretty good low carb before holidays. Time restriction is just my norm now, but need to make my nutrition quality better.


Oh man, yeah…the first clean fast after slacking definitely feels like punishment. And when you’re just resetting you don’t get the motivation like you might have had when you first started either.

But this time we know how to do it and how good it feels to be healthy! We just need to white knuckle for a couple days until we’re back in the flow.


Hey man. You’ve come so far! I super impressed! Holidays always set me back a bit too because I love to cook and bake. I usually read some Dr. Fung stuff or watch some of his videos to help me feel inspired. I’ll be doing that today. Try to be gentle with yourself. Long walks are my friend. Being outside, hearing nature sounds helps me feel like I can do it too for some reason. I appreciate your post because I was having some similar feelings.

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