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Girl gives up 1 meal a day and switches to eating every 2 hours

I find stuff like this interesting. This youtube video was posted around 5 years ago on youtube:


It’s a woman who was losing weight by eating just 1 meal a day (unknowingly fasting). She was doing well. Then, as she says in her video, she starting reading the internet and all the studies she could find and became scared about starvation mode. Her end result… she decides to eat every 2 hours.

Her video is annoying, I know, but this makes me angry. It shows how even people who’s “instincts” tell them to do 1 meal a day end up being manipulated by “the machine” to believe its wrong. Her instincts were telling her to do 1 meal a day, and she changed it thanks to the fear of idiots like Dr. Oz.

I hope Dr. Fung continues to penetrate the ridiculous mega food monopolies who are trying so desperately to convince people to eat 6-7 times a day. Specifically, I think this is the snack companies. They have so much vested in people buying chips, cookies, granola bars, cereals, etc.

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And then, to add a bit more, if you go through her videos, you see that the year after she posted a bunch of “I’m struggling” videos…. and her last video talks about how she tried a 60 day “juice fast” as some last resort to lose weight. So obviously this “eating every 2 hours” didn’t work for her. That was 4 years ago and she hasn’t posted since.

There’s literally millions of these stories. I’ve been there too. I’ve tried every crazy thing. Nothing works. But Dr. Fung has found the true cure. The closest I’ve ever come to having success is Dr. Atkins but I eventually gained the weight back. With The Obesity Code style of fasting, I have zero doubt that the weight will stay off. I can maintain this for life, but I couldn’t maintain atkins for life.


Couldn’t agree more! I think there’s no question that the food industry is a big driver of the idea that snacking is good for you.

It’s no secret, although it isn’t well known, that almost all the major food companies actually pay health writers to write favorably about their products. It’s not bribery in the minds of the diet writers because that’s probably how they were taught anyway, but it keeps getting repeated until it becomes dogma that only heretics would dare question. Add the usual advertising campaigns like Snickers’ “you’re not yourself when you’re hungry” encouraging mindless snacking, and what was unacceptable just a generation ago (“You’ll spoil your dinner!”) is now commonplace. Even at work, people keep drawers full of snacks. I used to, as well, so I know.


Thanks for sharing! Would be interesting how she is doing today.

I live in Germany. So I really hope to get a german translation of the obesity code. There is really no source in German language for the insights Dr. Fung shares.

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Categories: 1 meal a day losing weight studies fung snack struggling juice fast lose weight obesity oil dinner