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Give me some tips of what to do🥲

So basically today i woke up, and decided that im fasting today. The day before i consumed pretty much a lot of food, so everything was going well i was very euphoric because i thought ”oh its not that hard” but after i decided to take a nap, after i woke up i was angry my head was hurting and i just literally started eating whatever i found in the kitchen. What to do to avoid this. I woke up at 10:00 took nap at 14:00 woke up at 15:30.

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Binging and restricting is a terrible cycle to get in to. You will never be comfortable. My tip is to address why you binge eat when you are angry or uncomfortable. Fasting is simply a tool. It does not address underlying behaviors.

My advice would be to eat some nutrient dense meals today and come up with a plan for next time you wake up feeling less than great. Just skipping a couple of meals isn’t going to fix anything, you’ll likely end up feeling bad on the fast and bingjng again, which will make you feel worse. It’s a vicious cycle.

Some people find it helpful not to keep what they call “trigger foods” in their home. Next time you have a headache or feel angry you can go outside for a walk. There’s a lot of information out there about how good movement and natural light are for you mood and overall health. There are recent studies showing that exercise may be as good as antidepressants. Exercise is free and accessible. There is something almost everyone can do.

ETA I also recommend looking into circadian rhythm and the benefits of a sleep schedule. This also helps immensely with mood and overall health. Being properly rested helps with the decision making process. There are numerous studies out there on this.


OP, I’m going to be blunt. People here can give you all sorts of tricks and hints that work for them and they might work for you too, but in the end this is a matter of mindfulness and determination. There’s no pill or ritual that instantly gives you the ability to power through hunger or that makes your mind resilient enough to remind you of your goal.


> I woke up at 10:00 took nap at 14:00 woke up at 15:30

Go to bed at 22:00 and wake up at 7. Make your bed, have some water, take a long (ideally a steady) walk to energize. Come home, do you chores or whatever but just stay out of bedroom and kitchen.

Body (and a part of your mind) will not be pleased about this change of rythm (from slow-living to dynamic-living) but you’ll feel much better (like …. alive!) after a couple of days.

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