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Going on a 3 day fast tomorrow? Any tips for a newbie?

Normally do 20-4 or OMAD, never done more than a 25 hour fast.

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Try to break your rotine, we feel hunger mostly because of the things we do+the place we are at around the time we usually eat. So changing the behaviour + environment is the key!Also, some light exercises works wonders, if you usually eat at noon, try going for a walk, feel the breeze, smell the trees, etc… then go home, shower and go to bed..sincerely i feel that is food, but just not in solid form


Make sure you have some melatonin in case you’re one of the people (like me) who can’t sleep worth a damn while extended fasting.

When your 72 hours are up and it’s time to eat food, I’d advise starting off with something like a small handful of pistachios. Then waiting 30 minutes before your first bite of real food. You might try without first, but I find it really helps me not gorge on that first meal. That little bit of something in the tank already processing keeps my portions in check.

You don’t necessarily need to go low carb or do proper refeeding when coming out of a 3 day fast, but I’ve found my body responds if I at least don’t do extreme high carb. Breaking a 72hr on pizza or pasta makes me feel like shit. Your mileage my vary, and it goes away by the next meal. This is more of a learning your body kind of thing, but I can only give you tips from my subjective trial-size-of-1 anecdotal perspective.

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Categories: 3 day fast tips omad sleep extended fasting low carb refeeding shit