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Going to start today - seeking advice

Hello! So I need to do something about my weight and general lack of fitness. My plan is to start fasting between 7pm and 7am and to go for a 30minute walk at 6:30am each morning. I’m also planning on being a bit more conscious of portion control.

Does this sound like a good start?

I’m looking to loose about 30kg (110kg -> 80kg).

After some time (don’t know how long - advice wanted) I would like to progress the walking to jogging and then fasting to up to 16 hrs.

Basically, I want to start with something manageable and develop good habits and the. Improve on those good habits.


Edit: auto correct made a nonsensical change

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Sounds like a very doable and manageable plan. Starting small is still starting! Once you adjust to 12 hour fasts you can try longer fasts and see how you like that. And if the walking is going well you could look into other exercise like weights or cardio. Also consider getting a fitness tracker as they can be quite motivating. Good luck! You’ve got this!


I found a few things invaluable during my program (which I’m still on, BTW):

  1. A food tracker. I use Cronometer. It’s flipping amazing. (And I’m not affiliated with it.) I try to keep my daily calories between 1,000 and 1,500.

  2. Skip at least one meal a day to begin with. Eventually, you’ll want to skip breakfast and finish supper early (e.g., 16:8). It’s easier than it sounds if you can give it a month to kick in; the first few weeks can be tough while your body adjusts. I upped my fat intake to stave off the hunger pangs and that helped. I try not to eat before noon and to be done by 8PM. Once you’ve passed the thirty-day mark, you can consider going longer on the fast or switching to OMAD like a lot on this board are doing, myself included.

  3. A sports tracker of some kind. I have a Garmin watch and use Garmin Connect. (No affiliation with this, either.)

  4. Drink a lot of water. Within reason, of course.

  5. Get a lot of sleep. This helps a ton. When I’m hungry for supper, I go to bed early. The bonus is that when I wake up, I’m that much closer to breaking my fast.

  6. Walking, even by itself, burns calories. No need to rack up crazy gym times. Just grab some tunes or an Audible book and hoof it around the neighborhood for 30-90 minutes.

  7. Give yourself a cheat day once a week or so, especially in the beginning. Until your body is used to the fasting, your cravings can get out of control. But if you know, for example, that you’re going to have your favorite food on Friday night or whenever, things get much easier.

  8. Be gentle with yourself and don’t obsess over weight loss. Plateaus happen. Hunger happens. Cheating happens. Just keep at it. (I used to weigh myself daily; I now only check in about once a week–that takes the pressure off.)

I’m currently losing about 10lbs/4.5kg a month just doing the above. I’m not as careful about what I eat as I should be, but I’ve learned that if I accidentally carbo load, I’m going to feel like crap later. So, high protein and fat is key. Carbs and sugar are the enemy. LOL

Once you get through the first thirty days and lose those first few kgs (which come off quite easily, BTW), you’ll be motivated to keep going. So, don’t worry about what’s down the road. Just focus on the next thirty days.

Good luck with everything! You’re gonna do great!


Eat ketovore/carnivore with IF and don’t count calories to see the weight melt off. Dr. Jason Fung and Dr. Ken Berry have great YouTube videos on this.

I’m doing this and feel better than I have in years. I fast 18:6, which is now ending up OMAD most of the time. Meat and fat gives me lots of energy, my blood glucose is going down, weight loss steady and as a bonus? Migraines almost gone. All with very little exercise so far. Planning on changing that soon!

You’ve got this! Most of us who are overweight have insulin resistance as a result of prepackaged food, copious amounts of sugar and carbs.

I know I sound like I’m making money on this or something, lol. I just can’t believe how good I feel! And I was keto-ish for years.


  1. The generally accepted minimum number of hours without food to be considered fasting is 16. Start with 16:8 - 16 hours of fasting, 8 hour eating window.
  2. Eat low-glycemic index foods.
  3. Lose weight.

Step 2 is optional but will produce fast but sustainable results.

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