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Good idea or bad idea?

I’m in love with oatmeal and I want to have it everyday but I’m not sure if eating it everyday is a good idea. So can anyone tell me if it’s fine or not? Like will it cause any damage to my body or anything else I should know?

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I must eat it 2 - 3 times per day… I love rolled oats, steel cut, and groats. So, no, you won’t have an issue eating it every day as long as, as others have said, you don’t load it up with added sugar, there’s nothing wrong with eating it every day.


I’ve been eating oatmeal close to everyday for years. Oats are an amazing nutritious grain for most humans to consume! That said, there’s are good and less than good ways to do it. Stick to whole rolled oats or Irish cut steel oats. They’re less processed and it takes our bodies longer to digest them leaving us satiated longer. Also if you’re eating oats every day make sure they’re organic, that’s essential if you live in the US. Conventional oats are covered in round-up which contains an ingredient called Glyphosate which has been linked to cancer and is literally poisonous for us. For that matter, that’s why it’s important to buy organic whenever you can, but the pesticide amount is typically highly detectable for mass produced grains like wheat and oats in particular. Another pour is, vary your add ins, and be mindful of sugar as others have stated. You can use alternatives like stevia if you enjoy that and it doesn’t upset your stomach.

So the takeaways:

-Use organic whole rolled oats or steel cut oats

-Try to vary your add ins

-Limit added sugar, you can use substitutes like stevia or erythritol. Or at the very least, use a natural sweetener like coconut sugar, maple syrup or honey, still being mindful of the amount used.

-For add ins - I try to add a source of Protein (typically use soymilk and add some protein powder)Fat sources (thinks seeds and nuts) And typically will add good portion of fruit (go with what’s in season if you can)

I my go to lately has been oats, soymilk, chia seeds or flaxseed meal, PB fit (it’s like a PB protein powder), cinnamon, diced up apple and walnuts. The ratios I use have a nice balance of macronutrients and it’s genuinely delicious. If the apple isn’t very sweet I’ll added a small drizzle of honey and that does the job :) Hope this helps!


Sure, why not? As long as you’re not adding a ton of sugar to it, not eating it for every meal every day and still working to get variety in your diet overall, I think it’s just fine. It’s a great source of complex carbohydrates & fiber.


Very healthy, maybe change up the fruits and flavours you add in so you don’t get bored. They’re so versatile.

Blueberries make it a pretty purple colour. A spoon of natural cocoa powder, nice and chocolatey, Coffee and cocoa powder for a tiramisu take.So much you can do with them. Yum


Tbh, when I used to run cross-country I would honestly have 2-4 packets of the kroger store brand instant oatmeal a day. I had been running 6 days a week for 3 months before I started cutting bad habits like habitual soda intake. I saw quick improvements the second I began really focusing on my diet and drinking a lot of water ((body weight/2 + 20) = Total # of fluid oz of water minimum daily). I’m definitely no expert in nutrition and I definitely don’t have a good diet, Im just sharing that it worked for me as a replacement of worse ways to fufill my need for carbs


I’ve been eating oats almost every single day for the past 4ish years and I’m alive.

Steel cut oats, overnight in the fridge with Peanut butter powder, chocolate protien powder, and cinnamon. Top it off in the morning with suger free maple syrup or fruit. Good source of fiber and keeps me full until late afternoon.

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