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Good YouTube resources to learn about nutrition

Hi all, In my free time I’m trying to learn about nutrition to improve my health. I like watching YouTube videos as it provides a “digested” way to do so. Do you have recommendations on well produced and entertaining creators that make this kind of content? I find it hard to sit through a 1h conference video or just a guy talking straight to the camara about nutrition and papers. For example, i like the channel “What I’ve learned”, he’s not a nutriotinist but presents well researched content providing all the sources and papers, and the videos are entertaining and easy to watch.

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Huberman Lab is awesome. He covers many topics including fitness and a lot on the science of food / nutrition. He’s a neuroscientist at Stanford University but he’s able to discuss complex concepts in a way we can all understand. He has many guests on that are experts in their fields. Highly recommend!


Nutrition made simple is probably the best source out there.

There’s a podcast Huberman Lab, he has content about many different topics, not just nutrition but he goes quite deep in each topic. If that’s sometning you like, go for it.

>like the channel “What I’ve learned”, he’s not a nutriotinist but presents well researched content

I’m not a big fan of this channel. I watched a few videos about nutrition/food they made and found quite many misleading information, let’s say. It’s possible they have some good videos, I haven’t seen them all. But I’d avoid this source or at least be very careful.


Get verity. Regardless of your stand point, only room I’d avoid is zealots and snakes.

General health and in varied topics:

Dr Rhonda Patrick. Good for longevity and numerology stuff. Very good to develop a basic understand as she tends to break things down to the audience.

Dr James Dinicilantonio. Done good research on performance, oxidative stress, immune health and salt. (I’ve got a personal bias as a lot of his content has helped me get my autoimmune issues in better check)

SIIM. I’ve been on and off with him personally. Good for general upkeeping with latest trends.

Ben Pakulski. Wide ranging topics, very broad. He invites professionals from the trainer industry and the nutrition research world and delivers on excellent content. He doesn’t sell out to the one sided style of interview, he always has small time nobodies to big guns so you get to see many backgrounds.

Max Lugavere. Chill dude… very basic stuff. Good for food relationships and getting people eating as we should (informed and rational).

Mainly Sports Performance:

Stan Efferding. Anyone who has used the verticle diet can vouch, it gets you cranking out effort easily. Very limited but yeah… not bad.

Shredded Sports Science. Good for information on supplements and basic information on general health.

Extra (wider topics):

Dr Gabrielle Lyon. Very wide ranging but mostly longevity in relation to body building. Very lovely person overall.

Shawn Baker. While people here tend to get triggered by Carnivore folks, Shawn isn’t a zealot and he isn’t saying it’s the best diet for everyone. Very nuanced and is currently the only person I know trying to get basic studies pushed and done.

Kiana Docherty. Not directly nutrition, more food relationship and behaviour change. She has EXCELLENT videos on how the nonsense processed food industry has manipulated citizens and now have many deluded.


I don’t know anything on YouTube but if you have Libby I highly recommend The Great Courses Plus - Nutrition Made Simple. It’s create by a dietician who advises various professional athletes. There’s zero bullshit and everything is explained in its entirety. Honestly one of the most trustworthy sources for nutrition out there.

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