| | Water Fasting

Got Corona (Delta) and was excited to get it so that I can dryfast.

Hey Guys, I got the Rona. Pretty sure it was the delta because I stay away from people as much as possible and the delta variant is highly contagious. I was excited to get it cause I knew that-that would mean I would have NO hunger during the illness. I had the works: fever, cough, nasal dripping, whole body pain, headache, vomiting and what can only be described as a steel brillo pad in the throat (and felt like a zombie-like my brain had turned to mush).

I fasted for three days mostly dry. I drank little sips of water when I was really thirsty due to the fever and we have a heatwave 🌞 where I live.

I’ve had a history of fasting. I did five-five day dry fasts between Christmas and February but I couldn’t fast after that. My body was like: “nah, we’ve done enough of that and we don’t want to fast anymore”. I had NO will power to fast after February.

I was so excited when I got sick cause I knew the need to eat would go away with the illness. And it did. First day, I had no sense of smell or taste. By the end of day three of fasting almost all symptoms had subsided or disappeared. I wish I would have had the will power to go longer. I think 5 or eight days would have been better. But I could only do the three days. After three days: My skin is soft and glowing (love that) and my teeth feel amazing.

2 years ago pneumonia had taken me for two months and then bronchitis took over for another two months. I didn’t know about fasting then—so I ate everyday (thinking I had to or I’d wither away and become weaker). I vommited every meal for 60 days but I attempted to feed myself everyday. I didn’t know at the time that going without food and water was actually good for my body (and makes it stronger). This times illness was abruptly ended thanks to dry fasting. Oh and I must add since I wasn’t eating or drinking anything: this time the vomiting was excellent. NOTHING Absolutely NOTHING would come out. I considered it more of an ab contraction (I hate the taste and smell of bile but who would like bile) I would go to vomit and my body tightened and tried as hard as it could to make me vomit but ha-ha absolutely NOTHING (lovely experience compared to two years ago).

Lastly I’d like to send the corona virus and the delta variant a message: F’CK YOU and Your bald-headed grandmother !!!! You mother F’cker !!! You’re NOT taking me Down !!!!!!!!

p.s. A Big Thank YOU to Cole Robinson (Hey Fatty) and Chris and his brothers/sister from a Healthy Alternative for ALL their videos and teachings. Thank YOU kind Sir’s for saving so many of us by sharing your knowledge and to the dry fasting community here on Reddit for posting and sharing their experiences and knowledge too. And to the guy that shared that someone broke their leg and dry fasted for five days and was completely healed (that was motivating). I’d love to read that article. And thank you for sharing.

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This is crazy because I dry fasted for almost 4 days with literally no water contact and I was cured after the third day with covid. It actually worked and I told people this and all they say is “you can’t live without water for 3 days so it’s bullshit”…


Before rona even hit China I had some mild cold but the odd thing about it was that it wiped out my appetite completely for 24 hours. Normally 24 hour fasts are mildly difficult but this made my appetite non existent. Who knows maybe it hit the US first and they just wanted to blame China.


Thanks. I came down with the coofid yesterday and started fasting immediately. I haven’t gone dry yet as warm drinks are really soothing my throat. Just green tea with a little lemon juice, ginger, hardly consuming any calories. This will be nice because I need to lose a few pounds anyway. Thanks again for your post, I started getting anxious as I read somewhere else that fasting/dieting while having covid is a bad idea and I needed the reassurance. I gotta kick this son of a bitch asap. This is miserable. Fasting for the win!

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Categories: pain vomit dry fast to fast sick weak dry fasting tea shit 24 hour fast calories