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Gout after refeed

Hello fellow fasting buddies I hope everyone is doing fine. I’m wondering if anyone has advice about how to deal with gout attacks.

My stats are Male 29,180 cm , 80 kg( lost 5 kilos after 10 days fasted) I fast for weight loss and also to deal with hashimoto thyroid issues. Yesterday I broke a 10 day fast which I started after some fast food binge days. If I feel like shit I can go on a carb- sugar bender and I’m hoping to fix that through fasting. Carb addiction is real for me,if i eat one slice of pizza I will just have the whole thing in minutes…

After day 4 fasting becomes easy as your stomach is clean and doesn’t require energy from your body. I used snake juice ( pink salt, potassium chloride) and magnesium pills( don’t know what kind) but rarely I hit the daily requirements I see here as I felt fine.

I think I messed up my refeed yesterday though.I had 2 cans of canned salmon and one can of mackerel with one pound of steamed broccoli and one pound of sauerkraut. All seemed fine but later I had the worst gout attack. My fingertips became inflamed and my left foot bigtoe hurt like hell. It felt like someone was trying to remove my toenail for hours. I took some pain medication and vitamin C and finally was able to sleep after 5 hours of extreme pain.

Should I go talk to my thyroid doctor or go straight for blood work? I would appreciate any advice.

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It could be that fasting increases the level of uric acid in your body and that eating causes a break out. You could get blood work to check uric acid before a fast and then again at the end before you eat to see if there’s a significant difference.

I haven’t done multiple day fasts, but I’ve noticed that I get gout attacks if I eat grains and sugar more than occasionally.


it could have been the mackerel, it’s very high in purines. if you are someone prone to gout/dealt with gout in the past, it’s best to avoid high-purine foods as much as you can, ESPECIALLY after such a long fast after which you manage to make your body so clean, i.e. much more sensitive and “highly receptive” to everything in general - caffeine hits harder, sugar rushes hit harder, fatigue from digestion hits harder, nicotine hits harder, literally any drug would hit harder…… and compounds to which you may be sensitive even without fasting (like purines) can now hit harder as well. however, what you’re describing does sound like a very significant gout attack, and the mackerel was just one can, and im not sure at all how plausibly this adds up. maybe it’s other things as well that I’m not aware of. that being said, it’s still preferable for you (in any case) to try and stick to a predominantly low-purine diet in general

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