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Great series on dietary fat, cholesterol, and CVD risk.

I was listening to the Stronger by Science podcast, and Eric Trexler recommended Sigma Nutrition’s three part series about dietary fat, cholesterol, and CVD risk. It’s the most thorough outline on this topic that I’ve seen, so I thought I’d share.

Part 1: Cholesterol, Lipoproteins & Lipids: Understanding CVD Risk

Part 2: The Impact of Diet on Blood Lipids

Part 3: How Diet Influences Heart Disease Risk

Personally, I’ve been trying to understand why there seems to be such a vocal pro-saturated fat (maybe anti-anti-saturated fat is more accurate) team here and on social media, clashing with what majority of health authorities recommend. These articles cleared a lot of it up for me.

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> Personally, I’ve been trying to understand why there seems to be such a vocal pro-saturated fat (maybe anti-anti-saturated fat is more accurate) team here and on social media, clashing with what majority of health authorities recommend.

In simplistic terms, there are lots of folks doing keto and low carb ways of eating who have achieved results diametrically opposed to the predictions postulated by the fat is bad for you camp.

Many of the studies I’ve looked at used mice. Do you eat what mice eat? Many of the studies I’ve looked at are high carb. How do you know the inflammation is not from the carb load - especially a high grain carb load?

Don’t get me started on the travesty that is the Seven Country Study.

A real scientist would want to find out why their hypothesis was not accurately predicting reality. Instead such results are blown off as anecdotal evidence.

I have personal anecdotal evidence that cutting a quarter inch off the tip of your finger hurts like hell. You are welcome to blow off that anecdotal evidence.

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