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Gut issues

After antibiotics a year ago, I’ve developed EXTREME gut issues. Will fasting help me :( I need some hope. Has fasting helped anyone on here with GI issues?

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I don’t know. I do 70:2 and refeed starting with probiotics and yogurt with a little fiber mixed in. (Inulin or potato starch). I take multiple probiotics during my eating window. I like to think I am repopulating digestive track


I was diagnosed with ulcertive colitis….fasting is the only thing I’ve found that helps….if I eat the wrong thing I have a huge flare up….have been admitted multiple times. Was doing OMAD with no carbs and as little processed sugar as possible. Most carnivore based refeeds.

Also might want to check your stomach acid levels. Most people apparently dont produce enough. For 5 days in a row put 1tsp of baking soda in 100ml of cold water. Drink this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach

Set a time 0 to 3 min if you burp your stomach acid levels are fine. 3 to 5 min burp then your levels are low, after 5 min you arent producing enough. It’s not an official test, but a very good indicator. Food rots and breaks down the stomach lining causing leaky gut…which stems to ibs, chrons/colitis and a myriad of other issues


Yes, fasting should help with your microbiome. Consume fermented, probiotic and enzyme-rich foods, eat whole foods, and avoid refined sugars during your feeding times. Rebalancing does not happen overnight, be patient and diligent. Don’t sleep on natto (my fav probiotic source)!


Had a similar thing after consuming nootropics for a while - developed indigestion/gas issues which were pretty severe (to the point that I was avoiding visiting friends and going to public events). Got off nootropics, tried 10+ brands of probiotics and prebiotics and nothing was helping.

Then tried FODMAP (highly recommend it), figured that I’m not digesting onion/garlic/cabbage very well so removed them completely from my diet. Also started doing fasting and tried to limit my intake of processed foods and junk food (french fries, chips, chocolate and baked goods). All of this helped overall.

Expect a journey and figuring out what works for you, there is no magic pillow. Fasting may definitely help, but it’s not going to solve your gut issues on its own. Try FODMAP, reconsider your diet, eat balanced meals (fiber + complex carbs + protein), add some fermented foods too. Good luck!

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