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Hangry or Low Blood Sugar at night?

I’ve fasted for almost a year previously. I sometimes get this feelings of headache or brain fog. It’s not hunger persay but maybe low blood sugar?

It caused me to quit previously off and on.

I’ve recently started back up again and had a few days no problems. Even on the stronger side of things. 18-22 hour fasting windows

Tonight tho. After about 11 hours and before bed it was just bad and I caved with eating. Not even good stuff either.

What’s causing this? Low electrolytes or something else.

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Second vote for electrolytes. I take magnesium depot tabs at mealtime and also take some salt (potassium and natrium mix) during fasting times. Headaches during fasting have stopped completly.

And: do you drink enough?

At the beginning I had this brain fog sometimes, I think it was my body getting used to fasting. I ate later in the evening (half past eight) and slept over the low point. Now it does not happen anymore.


Third vote for electrolytes.

When I start getting the pangs, which I sometimes do when I wake up or within a couple hours of doing so (my eating window ends at 5pm) I do notice a difference if I take some electrolytes (iodized salt and NoSalt) and/or a small (like, teaspoon) of apple cider vinegar. Gets me out of that woozy feeling pretty quickly.

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