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Hard vs soft dry fast

Anyone seeing any major difference between hard and soft dry fasts? Also what has been your longest you’ve dry fasted and what was you weight loss?

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Brush your teeth. If you don’t go outside you can skip the showers and just wash what matters occasionally. But I don’t believe the difference is that drastic unless you take a shower with direct contact for long periods of time.


Someone on this thread said no difference in water vs dry for fat loss…in my research and my experience, this isn’t true. With water fast, there’s droopy skin…not so with dry, one actually gets lean, and visibly so. With water fast, the cells simply shrink as they temporary lose water and deflate…with dry, fat gets “incinerated” along with toxins, as this is the job of fat cells…to grab onto and hold onto the bad stuff in the body.As far as soft vs hard, Filinov (the Russian DF guru) suggests not cleansing the mouth, but if it becomes too unbearable, no more than once a week. I found the same refreshing factor after a 4 day Dry Fast with the shower and I marveled at what I assumed were toxins and dead cells being washed away from my skin. I can’t say I did a full hard dry fast, as I washed after bathroom, though I kept it brief. I also prepare my Sons’ meals, and I refuse to not wash my hands while cooking. I would say try them all, see what works for you. Do your research to find out what others have encountered, but overall, fasting is and is to be a very personal experience. Enjoy the journey. Not to be cliché, but it truly is about the journey, not just the destination.


The only time you should do hard dry fasts is when you need to tighten skin. Other than that, there’s barely enough of a weight loss difference and the lack of hygiene doesn’t get outweighed by losing an extra 0.1 lb of water weight, switching from soft to hard

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