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Has anyone achieved prolonged maintenance after an initial steep drop?

Hi all. New to fasting. I’m doing 5:2 and so far am liking the results and sort of actually like the discipline that goes into this. I have a goal to lose a reasonably aggressive 30 pounds over 4-5 months (from 200 to 170).

My one concern is just then maintaining at that new weight level and developing the right habits now that will enable me to maintain.

Has anyone successfully done this and have any advice as I’m starting my journey? I see at 170 my maintenance calorie level is above my current deficit level as I am dieting. Do you all increase the calorie amount on the 2 days so that I’m not in fasting mode necessarily? I saw going to 800 calories may be easier to maintain. Or do you still do a fasting day and just eat more on weekends when you want to treat yourself? Interested to listen to your experiences!

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I dropped 80lbs using 16:8, calorie counting, and, added exercise. I was 250lbs and I’ve been able to maintain about 75lbs of the weight loss by sticking to 16:8, estimating calories, and just being a bit more active. I’m currently floating around the 165-170 area.

Since my initial YEAR of cutting, I haven’t had to do hard cardio, weight lifting etc to maintain.

Could I be more toned and “shredded”? Yes. But is this working for me to maintain, also yes.

Your main question about habits etc; One big mind shift that happened for me is food is fuel, you’ll develop a feel for how much is enough, if you’re out of balance it will show. Remember, it’s a journey not a destination.

ETA: currently at the start of year four of the ‘new me’.

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