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Has anyone else noticed ?

Has anyone else noticed that social media plateforms are seeing a rise in these carnivore/keto MDS recently who relentlessly advocate for these diets and are getting more and more popular.

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I mean how is that any different than any diet trend? Just a few years ago everyone wanted to be vegan and we got a million propaganda documentaries that cherry picked science and the fake meat industry and pea protein industry made a killing. 5 years ago it was the Paleo diet and we must eat what our ancestors ate even though our ancestors were hunters and gathers and would literally eat shit if need be. 10 years ago it was juice detox diets. 30 years ago it was the Atkins diet.

I’ve personally tried the keto diet and it works. Flat out. I lost 150 pounds on it and everything they do say happens, happens. It’s not a diet that I would preach to people for longevity, but if you want to lose weight and want to be satiated and still lose weight intermittent fasting+ a keto diet will have the weight fall off.

The big downsides are why I would never do it long term. You will be thirsty constantly. There’s definitely an electrolyte issue on this diet and you can drink a million things of water and you will still have dry mouth. Your gym performance will go down and your test in general will go down. No other ways around it carbs are just better for feeling your workouts and for some reason it’s almost unanimous that keto affects your free testosterone. And lastly eating a bulk of my calories in fat and protein is satiating, but long term the studies are not there for me to feel comfortable doing that for 10 to 20 years at a time although my blood and imaging markers ALL improved on keto. It’s purely a weight loss diet and even then you still have to count macros unlike what the zealots say.


It’s because these diets are minimalist and essentially remove a lot of potential anti nutrients and inflammatory foods. These diets are rich in bioavailable nutrients. This will help heal autoimmune issues and reverse pre-diabetes. They will often greatly stabilise and improve a person’s blood work, weight and energy levels. More research is definitely required but not in the way research is currently done in the low carb space.

I’ve been some form of keto and carnivore since 2014. I’ve gotten more and more animal based as the years progressed since then.

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Categories: carnivore keto meat shit detox diet atkins diet lose weight intermittent fasting carbs testosterone calories studies weight loss macro diabetes energy low carb