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Has anyone fasted for a digestive problem?

I had IBS along with diarrhea which started about 12 days ago. I started fasting then after listening to my body and decided i needed to give my digestive organs a rest. I’d be interested to know if anyone has had a digestive problem that fasting has improved?

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I fast primarily for gut health reasons. It’s extremely effective in healing the tissues of the gut, restoring epithelial tight junctions, and for resetting a cranky microbiome. I’ve written extensively about it on my website. Please ask any questions you have and I’ll answer them as best as possible!


I have Crohn’s disease and I fast when I’m having a flare-up.

Just the other week, I did something super dumb and ate half of a tray of raw veggies, which tore up my intestines and made my small intestines swell so bad that I stopped pooping for the week. It was hell because of how bad it hurt.

Instead of going to the hospital, I did an impromptu 5-day fast, and it cleared up all issues!


I had IBS for years that caused me to have to use the rest room after any meals that contained eggs (desperately so). Then early last year I went on an extended fast (about two months of 5-10 day fasts) and it hasn’t been an issue since.

I’m not a doctor and this isn’t medical advice, but I suspect that the fast killed off what ever gut bacteria was causing the IBS.


Just a random note that bone broths (or collagen supplements) can help heal your gut lining so something to consider integrating into whatever fasting plan you decide to use. I know a lot of people will start with bone broths after an extended fast.


I started fasting intentionally after reading that others used it to address IBS flare-ups, and it has helped a lot! Really struggled with symptoms in high school and college, but have lived almost entirely symptom-free for the past couple of years, and now I recover from any other GI issue much more easily as well. Being able to listen to your body is such an important gift.


me. smoldering diverticulitis made me start fasting on the regular. 2 to 4 times per year for at least two weeks at a clip. I’d eat a hard boiled egg or a bit of cheese every 48 hours or so when I felt hunger. It was enough to stave off more hunger, and I felt like I was listening to my body. It gets easier each time I fast. I still want just once to do 21 days. The longest was 13 days until my fam begged me to eat saying I was crazy. But the lasting euphoria of the fast is so awesome. Usually starts to kick in day 5.


I have chronic stomach sensitivity from covid since 7 months ago, I had reflux too but PPI fixed that.

I felt my stomach getting worse so I fasted for 120 hours, my first fast. I’m like 34 hours out of it but honestly I think my stomach has been sensitive during the whole thing. Pretty sure my stomach pains neurological.

Maybe the gut will heal during the refeed but I am kinda doubtful.

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