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Has anyone felt more anxious and had brainfog when fasting?

I’ve been fasting for over 3 years and for the most part, have loved it since I never really ate breakfast or lunch to begin with.

On another subreddit I was asking for advice because I feel like I can’t focus on anything anymore and I that I get anxious and forget things very easily. When I thought about it, I realize this “not being able to focus thing” started around the time I started fasting!

Obviously there may not be any correlation, as it could just be my confirmation bias. But one article I read said it may cause these things. Anyone else experience it?

I’ve been thinking of quitting fasting for a multitude of reasons (recently been binge eating in my fasting window. Not good!) but this may be the final straw.

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I find that anxiety, brain fog tends to improve into the upper 72 hour limit its been awhile since showing sources but one study from memory did mention this, i’ll try look through my history and find it cause I tend to fast these days for that main reason. Can you try extend your fasting window to see if it improves?


Do you find that after your meal, your brain fog goes away? If so, maybe it’s okay to try a season where you eat a little more traditionally and see if it helps. If it doesn’t, you can go back to what you were doing.

I also find I get more brain fog when ive had more sugar/carbs, so for me that’s a good reminder to up my protein.

Good luck and take care!

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