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Has anyone lost all their weight doing mostly 16/8 (no Keto)?

I’m just curious if I keep my calories in check if this is a good method? I’d love to hear your stories!! I (38F) previously had been counting calories, no fasting and hit a long plateau. (I have about 25 lbs I want to lose)

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I lost 40 lbs doing only 16/8 with a few 20/4 sprinkled in. This happened over 6-8 months. Zero exercise during that time. I added exercise after 1 year and lost another 20 and toned a lot. Started Jan 2019 when I was 39 with a goal of losing it before I turned 40.

43 now. Weight still gone.

Sw:230ish 5’6”


Yes. I’ve been mostly 16:8 or 18:6. Some 20:4, some OMAD, and a couple ADF.

But I’d say that, overall, about 80% of my fasting has been either 16:8 or 18:6. I don’t count calories and I don’t deprive myself of foods that I love. I’m 38M, btw.


Yes it’s effective, but it’s slow. I’m about 15 months in and 30ish pounds down. I probably want to get another 30ish pounds down so I’m looking at probably a 3 year process total if all goes according to plan.


I’ve been on 16:8 since 1st Feb and lost 8lbs so far. I don’t count calories but don’t eat any refined sugar. I don’t mind that progress is slow as I’ve always found the slower it comes off the longer it stays off. The crazy thing is how simply just changing the hours I eat has led to loads of other benefits. I have more energy, my skin is better and I don’t have acid reflux anymore so sleep through the night most nights.


I am very glad you asked this question. I am f38, trying to lose 10kg, a few more would be amazing but I am not sure if it is realistic. I have done 16:8 for 30 days straight and eating pretty much what I want minus alkohol and refined foods. I don’t snack, don’t drink sodas, I do exercise 2-4 times a week. Over that time I have lost maybe 2 kg….so it is not great, slow….and I wanted to ask the same question as you but I was shy since I am not sticking to any diet. I was about to quit but I noticed my body composition changing a bit. Scale does not really show it but I see it and my clothes fit better….I love the encouraging replies here! I hope that the slow progress mean also long lasting results.


The “magic” with keto is that being in a very low carb (blood glucose) state helps you get into a fasted state quicker. More bang for your buck.

If it takes the average person 12 to 13 hours to get to a fasted state (who doesn’t do keto) then they get between 3 and 4 hours spent fasted per day. Being on a keto eating plan can allow for that to happen quicker. Made up numbers… but say it allows you to get to a fasted state in maybe 10 hours. That’s an extra 2 to 3 hours spent in that fasted state just by the macronutrient balance.

It is not necessary. The other part of it is keto tends to go hand in hand with low / no sweets or junkfood. Those tend to be very triggering to someone. If I eat a hard boiled egg, I’m not compelled to eat 8 more. If I eat two oreos, I’m compelled to plot my rear end down in my comfy chair with the entire party pack of oreos and chow down.


If you only have 25 lbs to lose I’m guessing you’re normal/ almost-normal BMI, & in that case it’ll be very difficult to lose weight on 16/8.. unless you absolutely controlled your calories + keto + Omad (not 16/8)


Yes! 16/8 and in the first few months counted calories. Lost 8kg because of it.

At the moment I don’t care much about weight. Am doing exercise (weightlifting), and reshaping my body to a more muscular one. I slowly lose weight, but gain muscle, so it’s still a win for me.

It will not be fast, but it can be sustainable

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