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Has anyone successfully fasted through Christmas and New Year's Eve before?

How did you do it?

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Why, would anyone want to? What’s the point of fasting regularly every other day of the year, if you can’t take a break on holidays?

I suppose if you’re trying to test your will power then Good Luck…


I did ADF at this time last year. What I’d do is shift my fasting days whenever a social occasion fell on one. So for example, New Years Eve fell on a fasting day so I just ate that day and fasted the next.

This year however, my family is in the process of moving (I moved here first, they are coming here too), so I don’t believe it’ll be an issue since it’s just me for now. So my month long fast should go smoothly.


Why? The best part of fasting (outside the health benefits) Is that you can fit it to your life. There were so many “look at me I fasted through thanksgiving I’m so awesome” posts a few weeks ago… No, no you’re not awesome. Just eat with your family, celebrate the new year. And then fast a little extra in January and you’ll be no worse off than making yourself suffer for no reason. Fasting through a holiday is no better than fasting any other time.

Yes it takes will power, and maybe most people can’t do it. But just because you can doesn’t mean you get a prize.


I’m a chef in Vegas. Having not only home meals for the holidays but added really great food at work too.

I had to break the cycle that I saw for the new year. I had gained weight thru the holidays. I have gotten to 215 or 220 by New Year Eve.

Solution I do 16/8 IF from Halloween to Christmas. My goal was to not gain excess. So starting the new year at 199 lbs was great for me.

I’m now fasting from last week to New Year Eve on my 2 days off 48 hour fast and then 16/8 work week.

So yes I fast from Thanksgiving thru New Years Eve with combo prolonged and intermittent. It’s realistic for me as well as effective. So I hope this helps


I haven’t done diets but I did a calorie restriction with IF a couple of years. The thing was that I was spending the season with people who were trying to lose weight. So none of us brought excessive amounts of food or any of the foods we didn’t want to be eating into the house. We also all took turns on the elliptical machine while we watched TV together.

I couldn’t have done it in a house with people who were eating for the holidays.


Yep! Last year, I water-and-supplement fasted 32 days, through Christmas, and broke my fast New Year’s day. This year I’m currently on day 41, and don’t plan to stop until I’m at my goal weight. I fasted through Thanksgiving with family, and intend to keep fasting through Christmas and New Year’s.

It’s all a matter of commitment. To be frank, once you get over the hump, like about a week in, you’re in cruise control and it’s all about just maintaining and defending your fast. Not putting yourself in situations where your willpower will be tested. Going to another room while everyone else feasts, for example. This can be tough, but it gets easier as you develop a strategy. You’re GOING to get crabs trying to pull you back down into that metaphorical bucket, shoving hors d’oeuvres or champagne flutes in your face, urging you to “live a little,” or not to “bring down the room.” Ignore those people, they want to see you fail!

If you KNOW your “body positive” obese aunt is going to be at a certain party and spend the entire night insisting you try her scalloped potatoes? Don’t go. You’ll miss out, to be sure, but is your fast more important than one party? If the answer is yes, you know what to do.

I’m fasting for my health. For my blood pressure, for my overall wellness, for my fitness ambitions for 2022. Fasting is the ONLY weight loss method I’ve found I can commit to, as opposed to weeks of CICO I inevitably wind up undoing with one plate of pasta and one slice of cake, and thoroughly discouraging myself. I’m doing this for ME. And that’s more important that New Year’s champagne!

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