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Has anyone tried ‘fasting’ but by eating only fat?

So a bit of an odd question, I know. I realize this doesn’t fit the strict definition of fasting, but has anyone tried prolonged fasts while eating only small amounts of fat to keep the hunger at bay? By small, I mean a tablespoon of butter in coffee in the morning, maybe 1-2 spoonfuls of butter or coconut oil later in the day. Just curious how well this works.

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This is fat fasting and can help you a ton if you’re struggling with cravings to get you into ketosis.

I’ve done various forms of fasting since 2008: time-restricted, extended, electrolyte supported, etc. They all have their places in my life.

Fat fasting helps me if I’ve really gotten myself screwed up eating too many carbs for too long (carbs seriously screw me up, but I love them, so this happens–I am not preaching that everyone should be low-carb).

Tip: eat more fat than you think you need in the beginning if you want to assure success/if you’ve really been struggling with fasting. Good luck!


Yes. It’s called “fat fasting”. I believe it has its place, as kind of training wheels for fasting. Dr. Jason Fung has talked about it.
If your new to fasting and trying to keep insulin down while still getting some energy it can help.


There’s something called the fast mimicking diet. I do not know anything about it, just mentioning something I’ve come across. Apparently it’s a regimen that allows eating but the body keeps behaving like it’s in a fasted state (again don’t quote me). I don’t think it’s pure fat but something that might be of interest to you.


Definitely Google “Fat Fasting” and look at the article by Dr. Fung. It definitely has it’s place in the fasting world and he even has guidelines on what to eat and for how many days to fat fast.

If I am not mistaken, it is more of a gentler approach to start fasting.


That’s more along the lines of extreme keto diet. You’ll be burning fat for energy as opposed to carbs. I’ve tried keto, and found my body functions fine with carbs. Fasting I do intermittent with 16:8 window or go one whole day before normal eating resumes


Fat fasting is encouraged in those who don’t have the body fat to fast but would still like some of the benefits of fasting. Fat consumption allows the smallest insulin response one can have while eating


Yes. I have to do it every so often because of a very long and weird list of health issues.

  1. It sucks and you get REAL sick of cream cheese.
  2. You need to eat about 1,000 calories a day in fat, which is an entire block and a half of cream cheese. You can also have macademia nuts.
  3. You will have liquid poops.

It’s really good for people with insulin resistance because fat does not cause spikes in insulin levels but it’s kind of miserable.

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