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Have any of you tried Cole's recent OSAD (One Snack A Day) recommendation? Thoughts, experiences?

His recommendation is basically don’t eat at all until literally right before bed, as in minutes before, and then just have a snack to ease your hunger and repeat on and on.

Has anyone tried this and if so, what has your experience been like? Do you think this would tank your metabolism?

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I need to start watching his videos again.

My concern is this: if you dont eat your body uses the stored fat as energy, but if you eat it uses the energy from the food you ate. However, if you eat a incredibly low amount of calories per day wouldnt that make your body go into a state where it holds onto fat because it thinks food is scarce?

Is this a thing or am I wrong? Wouldnt eating 1 snack a day, which is a low amount of calories, be counterproductive because of how your body would react?


So I haven’t done his daily snack plan but I have definitely cheated during fasting periods but still lost weight.

I’d have like 20 macadamia nuts, more than a splash of HWC in my coffee or a couple ounces of cream cheese, once even had a can of tuna with mayo. This was usually done during the 40 to 44 hour range on a 4 day fast where I’d dry fasted the first 24-30 hours after a high calorie refeed.

And guess what, I still lost significant weight! Like 12+ pounds in 4 days. This is not to encourage anyone to follow my example, just a reference that eating <300-400 zero to low carb calories within a 15-20 minute window will not hinder your weight loss.


That’s actually what I’ve been doing the past week with sprouted oats. I think it works well. I haven’t felt like eating a buffet. I’ve been losing weight steadily as if I’m fasting. I don’t think I absorb but 5 percent of the nutrition from the oats. I’ve had consistent keto breath despite consuming “carbs”.


It’s not a good idea. Eating calories <TDEE has been well studied to cause muscle atrophy. This is something which eating 0 calories (fasting) prevents. Here’s a good tl;dr video on the differences between actual fasting and simply eating too little.

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Categories: snack energy calories coffee 4 day fast dry fast courage low carb weight loss losing weight tea nutrition keto carbs muscle