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Health Differences Between Fried Onion And Raw Onion?

I have been ordering sandwiches kind of like subway style and I can customize them, there is an option to have raw or fried onions and I was wondering how big of a health difference there is between them, I assume raw onion are slightly healthier but I’m wondering if it matters at all if the rest of the sandwich isn’t that healthy anyway (White bread and sauces), so is there a big difference if I switch the fried onions to raw onions or the difference isn’t significant? Thanks!

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Fried things have lots of extra empty calories (more than you’d think) and free radicals from frying. If the onions are tiny it might not be a huge difference on one sandwich, but what does make a huge difference is regularly making tiny healthy choices that snowball into a much healthier lifestyle over time. Making tiny switches like this is key to adjusting your tastes to healthier foods, adjusting your habits, etc. So for that, I say it is a big difference to switch to raw onions.

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