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Heart attack?

Has anyone experienced weird symptoms from fasting? And when did you notice them go away or fix them?

Back story…I fasted last Wednesday and my day started at 7am for school and it was also my first day of work and i didn’t get home until 9pm which is when i broke my 28ish hour fast. Normally i would be fine but i realized i had 3 cups of coffee and one or two 8oz of water the whole day. The next day in my 9am class i started to feel super weird like sort of uncomfortable, not really hungry, it felt somewhat like anxiety when your heart palpitates and feels like its over working…but not really. So i broke my fast immediately when I had time to eat a small rex bar, and i felt slightly better but I could not stomach any meals that evening and felt fine the next morning.

Also if you read that, Is this normal or weird?

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Sounds like anxiety. Fasting increases your adrenaline, if you’re prone to panic attacks it’ll increase your chance of getting one.

You’re not going to get a heart attack from fasting, and if you had a heart attack you’d be in the hospital. You wouldn’t be asking reddit if you had one.


That’s weird, never had that happen. If fasting makes you feel abormal dont dive right into it.

It would be worth scheduling a yearly physical with your doctor soon just to get bloodwork and have him check your heart etc before embarking on a fasting regimen.

It could have been a fluke and you were just having a bad morning, but only the doc can tell you that for sure.


Same thing happened to me. I was on our 40 of a 72-hour fast and my heart rate started going 130 beats per minute and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I wasn’t sure what was going on so I broke my fast.

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