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Height and nutrition

Why are some people 50-60 kilos and 183 cm tall while kids from 3world countries that live in countries where food is not a problem become tall because of better nutrition. So why is better nutrition needed for one but the other becomes 183 while eating little.

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This is a statistical phenomena. If a population starves over generations, the genes will respond to it and make people shorter, and same goes the other way. You can see examples of this currently in North Korea, and also from average height studies from cities, states and nations.

But on a personal level I haven’t seen any data that shows more food equates to higher individuals, not sure how you would test it, and ethics around it is even harder.


Let’s ask ChatGPT.

ChatGPT’s Answer = “Height is determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, with nutrition being a critical environmental factor. When people in third-world countries with poor nutrition begin to have access to better nutrition, it can result in improved health outcomes, including increased height.

The reason that some individuals who are 50-60 kilos and 183 cm tall may not have had the same nutritional advantages as children in third-world countries could be due to a variety of factors. For example, genetics play a significant role in determining height, so some people may simply be genetically predisposed to being taller.

Additionally, nutrition is just one of several environmental factors that influence height. Other factors such as physical activity levels, exposure to infectious diseases, and access to healthcare also impact height outcomes. Therefore, it’s possible that even though someone in a developed country has access to more nutritious foods, they may not necessarily reach their maximum height potential due to other environmental factors.

It’s also worth noting that being tall doesn’t necessarily equate to good health, and people of all heights can be healthy or unhealthy depending on various factors.”


People aren’t tall in developing poor countries on average. There are of course exceptions everywhere, but you’ll see poor countries have low heights. It’s very correlated.


I can’t speak for you, but people who leave a third-world country and are likely to meet you on the street is not an accurate sample since they’re more likely richer or educated or privileged to have left.

Even if you go to a tourist area in a poor country, those working the coveted tourist jobs are paid much more than the typical person in that country.

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