| | Water Fasting

Hello everyone i need some advice and thanks :)

So i heard about the snake diet about two months ago at first i did some 48 and 72 hour fasts but i am a student i could not keep fasting i wouldnt be able to focus

So for the last 6 weeks ive been on omad with 500 cals a day give or take

Anyways i was probably on 90-93 kg for 175 cm two months later today im at around 76 kg. Ive lost a good amount of weight and i am not upset with my body now

My worry is that i want to maintain now not lose more than a 1 or 2 kg but also afraid i will get fat very quick if i go back to maintenance.

Any advice would be much much appreciated thank you

And yes i know i didnt follow the snake diet to a t but then again i had to study

Thank you everyone

Also isnt my metabolism ruined now ?

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I’d say you did pretty well:)Stick with OMAD for maintenance and slowly increase your calories over a couple weeks. Chances are your maintenance calories are a little bit lower than what you might initially think. If you see your weight start to trend up you’ll know you’re in the ballpark of how many calories you actually need,just cut the calories back and settle there. A lot of people after doing the snake diet also find that throwing in a 24 or 48 hour fast once a week also helps with maintenance.


For me, a good sized low carb OMAD meal was weight loss. 2 average sized keto meals is maintenance and 3 meals or snacking is Balloon City. All done in the absence of exercise. Hope that helps. Good luck!

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