| | Water Fasting

Help! I'm in the middle of my first 72hr fast and I think I might've done something to screw it up

As I mentioned before, I’m in the middle of a 72 hour fast (currently at hour 39). About an hour ago I drank 1 litre of water, where I included some himalayan salt and a bit of what I thought was apple cider vinegar. Only upon close examination, and after drinking it, did I realise it might not be. The label read ‘cider vinegar’ which I thought was the exact same, but after a quick google search I saw that it may come from another fruit. Anyways, to summarise, I drank the whole bottle of water. Did I screw up my very first +24hr fast? Will this ‘cider vinegar’ break the fast?

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Technically yes if the cider vinegar has calories, but truly no. You’re fine. Fasting is about lifelong decisions. Occasionally mistakes will happen. It’s okay. You should continue with your fast as normal and be proud of the changes youve made.

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