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Help! Idk what I’m doing.

I need help! I have had 3 c_sections and my 3rd was in June 2022. I have started IF 16:8 but I don’t know how much it has worked since I have only lost 5-6 lbs in 2 weeks. Which I started in the last 2 weeks. My husband has informed me today that he doesn’t like “fat” girls and I’m currently 5’3” 197 lbs. how fast can I lose the weight? Any recommendations?

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First of all, your husband can go suck a bag of dicks. He’s not being supportive with that kind of commentary. Second of all, that’s a good pace for long term weight loss. Has it been manageable? Easy to be consistent? Then it’s the best route.


Firstly, that is an amazing loss for 2 weeks - well done!
Secondly, you’re not a ‘girl’ you’re his wife, and you need to make it clear to your husband that you’re a mother and a human being first and your body has changed and will continue to change over the years. If he is worried about your health, that is a different matter, but if whether he likes you or not depends wholly on your weight, he needs to reassess his values.
I have put on 60lb since I started dating my partner (I’m 5ft2) and every day he makes me feel beautiful. He also helps me with my diet plans in a supportive way, but never in a way that makes me doubt his attraction to me.
I know it’s easier said than done, but please don’t let that comment pull you down. Your body is beautiful and has created life, so love it and care for it. Losing weight should be about keeping healthy so you can live a long, happy life, but make sure you love your body at every stage of that.


The fastest way to lose the weight is to call a divorce attorney because your husband sounds like a total ahole.

I hope you’re losing weight for yourself and not just to hold onto a jerk. Did he miss the “in sickness and in health” part of the vows.


Hey mama! Hope you’re having a blessed day. Normally I am all for trying to fix all problems in a marriage if you can work on it. I went through a bit of a situation similar to what you explained excluding pregnancy and that specific comment made at me was hard on me.

I can’t imagine how hard it will be for you coming when you’ve literally birthed 3 humans. I believe that how your husband made his comment and his timing is just very insensitive and plain rude. I know it might make you want to quickly become a size 0 but please remember that you have a baby to look after. If you are breast feeding it might not be the wisest thing to bring drastic lifestyles and nutritional changes just to please your husband. Remember that more than the mean comment he made, the lives of innocent children is important. And more important than that is the life of the one who gave them birth and takes care of them.

Eat healthy. Eat balanced nutritious food. Even do light exercises on days that you feel comfortable. You don’t have to abandon your body just because you had kids. But more than that you don’t have go to extreme measures to lose weight to please someone who couldn’t be more thoughtful of the situation that you’re in and literally the fact that you GAVE BIRTH 3 TIMES. Your mental health right now is more important too.

Go easy on yourself. In the worst case scenario your husband will leave you. But your kids will still be your kids and it is you that has to live with yourself everyday. Don’t stress about your husband rn. Anything good you do for your body, do it for yourself. And take it slow and easy


Op firstly congratulations on your motherhood. You’ve literally birthed a new life. Your body will take time to heal and although not impossible or difficult as heck, you will loose that weight. Be a little gentle on yourself. And I seriously want you to question your husbands attitude towards his “I dont like fat girls” comment. Did he say it to you while you are in this state? Or are you saying that based on his preference before?. You are not a fat girl, you are his wife who went through a literal bone crushingly painful experience of giving birth to your child. Please have a talk about your feelings with him. Continue healing your body give it a little rest.


You can lose about 200lbs instantly by ditching your asshole husband. If that’s not in the works, being consistent with IF will generally let you lose about a pound a week. I average around 5 lbs per month.


How’s your husband? Hopefully you’re at least enjoying his 10/10 physical form since his emotional intelligence is a 1.

The rate of eating disorders has skyrocketed in recent years.

You need to be very aware of what messages your children are taking away from this. One thing to exercise, go on walks, make health choices while explaining this things are to make you healthy, strong, have more energy, etc.

It’s an entirely different message if they view you as starving so you live up to their father’s beauty ideal.

I have no problem with people fasting - I’m just saying be very aware of what your children are learning. They are little sponges. I’d hate for a daughter to grow up with the misplaced notion that she won’t be worthy of love if she doesn’t live up to a man’s expectations. Instagram is going enough damage without the messages being reinforced at home.

Take care of yourself. Take care of your children. If he makes cruel comments in front of the children make certain he apologizes in front of them as well. It’s important.

Your body has made new bodies. Seems mundane until you’ve experienced it but really - you are amazing. Look at those children and focus on what your body did for you.


I was in a similar boat a year ago. I know it’s tough, but if you want to continue breastfeeding, it’s not advised to fast or restrict calories. It will effect your ability to feed your baby. Give yourself grace. Your body just did something miraculous 3 TIMES. Once your breastfeeding journey is over, then you can focus on losing weight and getting where you want to be. It will also be easier because you won’t be battling your body’s instinct to hold on to every calorie for your baby. If you want to prioritize weight loss (no shame or judgement) start introducing formula so your baby can adapt when your supply is effected.


Okay so, as much as I love the motivation this sub gives, there’s too much misinformation. You can lose a pound a day fairly simply but not easily. I did OMAD and hit a plateau around 40lbs in.

This is what I would give for the average person uninterested in paid off facts built for money and the whole conspiracies:

  1. Light weight workouts

Nothing crazy, but anywhere from 20-40mins is enough to feel more energetic and less stressed.

  1. OMAD for quick weight loss

This doesn’t mean yoyo, this means increase the calories but incorporate fasting for the rest of your life. Humans aren’t built to digest all the damn time and what you need is to give it a break.

  1. CICO to increase the speed

If you feel like life is kicking your ass and you’re in a plateau, restrict your calories to 200-300. No, you won’t starve like people tell you. You have half a million calories of fat and you can go months off of it.

  1. Don’t give yourself wiggle room.

You don’t need it, you just need to use what you have on you, yes it won’t be easy and no it won’t be some 1 week thing. It’s all about mentality.

  1. If you’re an avid yoyo-er try slow weight loss at first

Face it, you’ve tried things and have had success but you just gain it all back out of weakness. You have a food addiction, recognize this and learn to lose weight slowly. You don’t have to lose a pound a week forever, just give it 2-3 weeks and try to aim for 1-2lbs. Once you’ve conquered your mental state and addiction, move on to extreme rapid weight loss. Be honest with yourself, this will determine whether you’re ready for fasting or not. If you’re just gonna give up anyways, why not try it out and then you don’t feel so bad failing.

  1. For higher end plateaus, introduce keto

A ketogenic diet of high fat, high salt, low protein is the tried and true method especially for losing the weight and getting over the stubborn scale.

Lost over 40lbs then moved onto prolonged fasting on OMAD in 2 months, almost at 3 months and have lost a total of 65lbs. Consistency is key, and realize that if you’re not the person that can handle a treat every now and then. Sooner you acknowledge and take your addiction seriously, the sooner you’ll lose the weight.

Best of luck to you, stay strong and good luck.


Hey girl.

Breastfeeding sometimes makes you store fat . It works differently for everyone. Basically, it’s your bodies way of protecting your milk supply.

Personally, I gained weight while I breastfed.

Also…. Prolactin = a fat storage hormone. Prolactin is the hormone needed to make milk.

I’m sorry your husband sounds like a total tool.

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