| | Water Fasting

Help me Restart thru motivation

I started IF back in August at my highest weight of 205 lb. I’m 5’-8”. In 8-10 weeks I reached 183 minimum, but hovering more around 185. Now I’m 190.

I’m still IF but here are the changes that happened:

  1. ever since daylight savings change, nights are longer and I get hungrier. Don’t know why or how.so I eat more and later thru the day.

  2. holiday season and all the goodies and sweets. I admit I’ve been eating much more sweets than the first 8-10 weeks. Even though it’s within my eating window.

Btw, I do between 16-22 hours fasting, but mostly 16-18. Lately dropped to 14-16.

Any advice or motivation is appreciated. My goal weight is anywhere between 160 and 165 which sets me to a BMI of 25.


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Realizing that you will dip up and down and that you can restart a solid routine when you want. Do not beat yourself up for perceived setbacks; they can and will happen to some of us. It’s possible your long window of fasting is what’s causing the hunger later in the day. Do you usually do OMAD with that 22 hour window?

Now, with the time change, I’ve slowly shifted my eating window (16:8) from 06:00AM to 4:00PM to a bit later (11:00AM to 7:00PM) to accommodate holiday dinners and such alongside the shorter days (I get hungrier at night too). If I have a day I bust my 8 hour window, I adjust the next day.

I pound sparkling water that’s flavored but unsweetened (I’m partial to A-HA, hate Bubly, LaCrois is meh) and if I start getting legit hungry, I’ll even drink two cans back-to-back but obviously pound them.

Be flexible with yourself. It’s ok to fall on and get back on the regime.

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Categories: eating window omad dinner