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Help me with not having energy in morning.

I started 16/8 this week. I’m trying to slim down a bit. I’m not overweight by any means but would like a trimmer figure.

I do carpentry/ labor and I feel like I’m dying to get to my 10-6window. I take a break at 10am and then lunch two to three hours later. I’m not really hungry at lunch because I tend to eat most of what I take to work at my break time. Dinner I feel hungry but not like I do in the morning.

How can I help my low energy in the morning until my 10am break?

Example of what I had today for meals. 10am break: Venison steak, steamed carrots, tin of sardines in olive oil, one apple, a handful of grapes and some pistachios.

Lunch time: a pack of sunflower kernels.

Dinner: Meal replacement shake and one small venison burger (no bun or sauces) with a slice of cheese.

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You need more calories in your eating window. Look up a tdee calculator on Google and put in your stats and workout info. You job also sounds like it could burn some decent calories, but I wouldn’t put too much weight into those calories burned, take them as bonus. Getting a rough gauge on your calories burned during the day and getting closer to the total calories your body needs for a day will probably help solve some of your energy needs.


More calories sounds like a good option. Another way you could tweak your plan is by moving your window to be earlier in the day. Then you are matching your meal time to more of your working time. Seems like you are really wanting the food in the morning so it could work more naturally for you.


Sleep well. Poor sleep with IF drains you.

Also do your eating window in the morning? Try eating at 8AM and finish eating by 4PM. You’ll still be fasting 8 hours. Eat when you need the energy from the calories.


Might sound counterintuitive but try moving your eating window later in the day. I’d even suggest postponing lunch to 1 or 2 then having dinner a bit after that. For your 10am break have a black coffee.


Are you fasting clean? Anything that has a taste causes my hunger to start. Even a less than 10 calorie creamer in my coffee. I was much less hungry when I tried only water and black coffee. Good luck!


Definitely eat more, especially at dinner.

Is there a particular reason you’re doing the meal replacement shake? Those aren’t great for keeping you full; they’ve mostly got sugar, skim milk, and canola oil, if it’s the kind I’m thinking of. They always leave me hungry again in a few hours. Better to eat less-processed “whole” foods as much as you can. They keep you full for longer.

Your lunch is good — can you do something more like that for dinner? Keep the protein (and even add a bit more), but add green vegetables, maybe some kind of beans, and healthy fats like olive oil or nuts. The added fiber and fat will help keep you fueled through the next morning.


Pink Himalayan salt. It helps with replenishing your electrolytes. You won’t feel as weak especially since you work such a physical job. As other have said you should definitely be eating more as well.

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Categories: energy morning overweight lunch dinner tea steam oil grapes calories eating window weak sleep coffee sugar fiber electrolytes