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🤞help. need advice/expertise on issue i have when autophagy fasting. ⚠️

hello all.. NSFW! I hope I do not influence any bad ideas, but I can’t find the right info..

If you search articles or even, watch a lot of videos from reputable doctors, such as, Dr ekberg, and Dr. berg (i enjoy/take interest in their content), u know that autophagy is sensitive to protein and amino acids, and can stop it dead in its tracks! however their is no info on how sensitive!

I have had very bad traumas/abuse that led to ptsd and other issues, so i use psychedelic drugs to help myself (there is much research that has started gaining some attention for their possible use in a medical scenario) . I have many years of experience, and I would like to say that, no matter how much u think u should follow what I might do, know that it is potentially much more dangerous and than you might assume. I take them in the form of 1/8 inch gelatin tablets, and I have figured to the best of my knowledge, that each one probably contains about 2.5 MG protein and 0.0106 cal. However may be slightly less or more more.

I do a 42 hour fast every week. I fast 21 hours, take tablet, and then i fast another 23 hours. However, the whole point is to stay away from any sustainance (nutrients) whatsoever. Is there a chemical reaction that takes place when the organs chemically sense nutrients? Still no data, but there is some info/debate that, 1 calorie won’t break a fast, and autophagy occurs in different organs at different times/ways. Also, it occurs under times of stress, for example, the liver undergoes autophagy quickly, and in contrast, parts of the arms or legs can boost autophagy after an intense workout, additionally the nutrients consumed are used in different processes and ways in different organs, therefore depending on the nutrient, you may disrupt autophagy in one organ of another, ect..

How do u think my autophagy fast is affected?

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I am not a scientist OP, but I have watched 1000+ hours of scientist presentations and interviews…what it sounds like is that autophagy is a sliding scale, not an on/off switch. The more hours you’re in autophagy, your body is doing restorative acts. Best wishes to you OP for good health and healing your body and mind.


thx everyone! that’s what I was thinking, but it turns out that,there are different types of autophagy, micro, macro, chaperone-mediated, and they are extremely complex! After some more research I don’t know, but I am erring more on the side that 0 cal/protein/amino is important, as it is very sensitive to them. My best guess is that the chemical sensors will detect, and will stop it, to what extent and other implications however, i dont know, and it may even resume quickly, except for chaperone-mediated (the one that occurs after 24 hours) because of the possibility that your sensors are pretty much bare/sensitive past that point of complete depletion. However, 3 MG protein may not be enough to trigger every cell out of autophagy, unless there is a chemical release over the body upon sensing nutrient. That i dont know. ✌️

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