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Congratulations on the extended fast. That’s an amazing feat.

You’ve killed all the good bacteria in your gut. To break your fast you need to start off very easy. To rebuild the bacteria I’d break the fast with kombucha and a small portion of fermented foods such as kimchi or sourkraut. Then you might move on to bone broth. You’ve got to take it easy on the refeed. Smashing McDonald’s or some chicken wings will hurt.


A rule of thumb is to break your fast over half the length of your fast. So you should ease back into a regular diet over 10 days, in your case.NGL, kinda impressed you had the courage to do a 21 day fast without looking into how to break it. ;P

Here’s what I would do if I were you, based on a few youtube vids on the subject. NOTE I’ve never done a fast this long before myself.Day 1. Cold press green vege JUICE (not smoothie). No fruit. No carrots. Solely green, leafy vege juice. 1 glass for the day.

Day 2: Leafy green juice times 2.

Day 3: Leafy green juice for breakfast. Green smoothie for dinner (try use non dairy milk, and again - no fruit yet)

Day 4: Green smoothie breakfast and Dinner + fruit of choice (I’d go banana)

Day 5: start introducing solids. Personally i would stayb ow carb. I’d go with green smooth for breakfast, simple salad (cucumber, tomato, lettuce) with olive oil drizzle for lunch. Small piece of protein (salmon) + avo + salad.

Day 6: Same as day 5

Day 7: Add a bit more protein to lunch (chicken cuttlet). Start having solid for breakfast (oats + eggs)

Day 8: same as day 7

Day 9: add other food groups you regularly eat, eg dairy, red meat. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

Day 10: same as day 9.

The main principle is to add foods slowly. Stay away from processed food and stick with stuff you have to cook yourself. I’d probably have some kimchi/saukraut around day 4.

Good luck.

Edit: bone broth would be a great addition, and can be had from day 1. Try make it yourself, Binging with Babish on youtube has a great recipe.

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