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help/questions about random stomach issue and recovering.

hi, i normally eat OMAD, and have been for a a good while, always been healthy, 34M/120lb./5’9. For some reason, i never have issues unless to much onion, but after eating my veggie/pasta roast on saturday (spiral pasta, baby spinach, broccoli, orange and yellow peppers, asparagus, red onion, garlic, extra virgin olive oil by pompeian so not good quality but NAOOA certified so hopefully not cut with bad oils, 420 F for 30mins so no browning just soft, and a good helping of shaved parmasean and mild colby on the side (tolerate dairy very well), and this time i ate a couple peices of bread (good brand very minimally processed white bread) with the olive oil as well…. im sure everyone knows this pain… waking up with slow digestion extreme cramps and water diarrhea.

Also what was different was.. i drank 2 bottles of tap water some hours later that night.. but im used to NY tap water and normally drink 1 bottle of it a day included in daily water intake, i normally drink a little less than 1 gallon of clean pure water day.

The next day i was tired and sore but no bathroom visits or cramps. i just had water and 3 nice glasses of a custom tea through the day that i thought would help (each glass is… ginger root powder 1/2 teaspoon, tumeric powder 1.5 teaspoon, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, 2 drops peppermint ess. oil… with may last glass of the day i added 1/2 teasoon of sea salt)… Today, i am afraid to eat because my stomach still feels a little uneasy, which is odd as this is even the day after the recovery day!… and i have to eat my veggie roast leftovers so they dont go to waste (made saturday with 2 meals left yet)… do u think its okay to eat such ingredients?… what foods are good for this recovery?… why did this happen?… could the tap water have set it off for some strange reason?… was my tea a good choice/attempt? Any other comments?


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Garlic maybe if there was some in there? I know a whole bunch of people who are intollerant to onion and also garlic - they’re related plants. And sometimes I get away with things I’m intollerant to if I’ve otherwise been very careful, or sometimes something I can usually get away with will set me off if I eat a lot or unknowingly pair it with another trigger.


If there wasn’t garlic or you know you get on fine with garlic I’d be a little cautious with the leftovers - maybe have half ior quarter a portion heated up really well and see how that goes?

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