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I truly do believe IF is the way. I’ve researched it thoroughly and am constantly inspired by what I see here and by podcasts I listen to. I would say I’ve been doing a slightly “loose” version of 16:8 or 18:6 or around 3 months, which basically means that some days I’m an hour out (15:9) etc., and very occasionally I don’t IF at all. I’ve always felt that moving within this range should be acceptable and have heard others concur. I’m getting some great non scale victories (skin, energy, sleep) but literally NO weight loss. My boyfriend has been incredibly successful really quickly (granted he has more weight to lose and is much taller) but it’s frustrating because I feel really discouraged and can’t understand why I’ve barely felt my clothes change at all. I know I have to address what I’m eating (and drinking) a bit more in the window but it’s tough around the holidays with so many family and social events. Also, the reason IF appealed so much is that I’m hopeless at counting macros or calories.

I wonder if I really have to say no sweets/dessert, no booze, tighten up that window (17:5 etc.,) consistently to get the results and then maybe I can be a bit “looser” to maintain.

Anyone else struggle with this in the beginning? I need some motivation to keep going!!!

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You’re probably still consuming too many calories. I know if I don’t track calories, I can easily eat over maintenance in an 8 hour window. Another thing that really made a difference for me was weight training three times a week and taking lots of walks. You’re reaping some of the other benefits already so you know your body is already benefiting. And honestly, I’m just trying to get through the holidays at maintenance anyway. I can hit it hard again after the new year. You’re on the right track!


You really do. IF will not really cause that significant of weight loss if you’re not trying to lose weight. CICO is real. Keto x IF will get you the best results of a “faster” start, as 16:8 and higher will maintain ketosis.

Use a tracker like CARB MANAGER or My Fitness Pal or the Samsung Health App if you have a Samsung phone.

Cut out all the unhealthy shit, watch your calories in and out, and track everything. If you start that this Monday, you should start losing weight after the first week adaptation period.


I do OMAD and I don’t know if I am fast or slow. However within the first week I noticed my stomach was shrinking. By three weeks i did not look so swollen. I actually felt like I was losing because my stomach was not protruding. So even though scale moves a bit the way I look is getting better. I still am trying to figure out what to eat and how much. Keep at it and keep trying your clothes. You may be surprised.


Sorry to say but IF is no magic silver bullet to loose weight. It is a tool to easier create a calorie deficit, which is needed to loose weight. That’s why it is important to know what and how much you eat (and need). Basically with IF you skip one meal, and that creates a reduction in calories in. But if you counteract that deficit by “eating back” that skipped meal then you gain nothing.

In order for IF to work for you you need to keep the remaining meals the same and same size as if you where not doing IF.


You haven’t yet flipped the metabolic switch and burned through your glycogen stores. You’re still burning through sugar rather than ketones.

Make sure your fasts are clean with only plain water, black coffee, plain tea. No sweet tastes and nothing else.

You may need to so ADF do a while before you get fat adapted.

Alcohol and sugar may need to be delayed for a few months depending on the state of your liver.


Everyone is different so what you think should work for you because you have seen it work in others may not be enough. You could try fasting which I think is easier than counting macros or calories.

I do IF along with the occasional 1-5 day fasts. It works for me but everyone’s mileage varies. The only thing to do is experiment.


If you’re drinking alcohol frequently, and eating a lot of sweets and treats, then no, you likely won’t see weight loss. You can still pack a lot of calories into 8 hours, especially by drinking them. (I know — a craft beer habit is how I gained a lot of weight.)

You don’t have to forbid alcohol and sweets completely, but make them very occasional foods. I have 1-2 drinks per week, and dessert maybe once a month when someone else offers it.

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Categories: energy sleep weight loss courage holidays macro calories struggle lose weight keto ketosis shit losing weight omad stomach magic deficit sugar coffee tea alcohol liver 5 day fast beer habit