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Help - Vegan source of EPA and DHA

Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen suggests eating flax seeds which I do daily.

However, today, I learned that vegans need EPA and DHA and a search on Dr. Greger’s site suggests supplementing. I’m just wondering, what would be a good vegan supplement for EPA and DHA?

Thank you

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this is the type I use


Heard about the importance of getting omega 3 fatty acids? Quality and source matters when it comes to making a choice about which omega 3 supplement to take. Vimergy Vegan EPA DHA is an algae-based supplement (fish-free) that supports brain health, eye health and cardiovascular health. It’s also free of carrageenan, citric acid, natural flavors and artificial flavors, which are commonly present in other brands.


I’m in the same boat, I’ve been looking at supplements at the moment. The best I’ve seen is an Omega 3 from Vivolife, they test for heavy metals, they seem pretty ethical and I like their protein powder.

I haven’t pulled the trigger yet though, it’s around £30 for 30 servings so I want to be sure.

Would love to hear what other people are doing.


Seaweed/nori/kelp/agae. Supplement if you like and don’t fancy eating a lot of vegan sushi. (I love incorporating nori into all kinds of rice dishes). Also, spirulina, flaxseed, chia seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, brussel sprouts.


Latest studies / evidence from Harvard university seems to suggest, that actually DHA is not that important as we thought, it might even be contra productive. Seems the important one is EPA and if you take a supplement with mostly same amounts of EPA and DHA, that is kinda negating the positive effects.

Most supplements especially algae oil are high in DHA, actually algae oil has more DHA than EPA, so that might be not a good idea at all to take.

Just take 10g / 1 spoon of linseed oil everyday and you should be fine. You also need the ALA itself, the body makes EPA and also DHA out of it.

“STRENGTH trial casts some doubt on omega-3 benefits

But a recent study has raised some questions. The STRENGTH trial, published in JAMA, looked at a different formulation of omega-3 fish oil — a combination of EPA and DHA — to see if it would also reduce cardiovascular risk. This study enrolled over 13,000 patients who were randomized to receive either the EPA/DHA combination pill or the placebo (a pill filled with corn oil). The trial was terminated early due to an interim analysis revealing no difference between the two treatment groups.

We don’t know for certain why the REDUCE-IT trial showed a benefit from omega-3s while the STRENGTH trial did not. One possibility is that the different results are due to the different drugs studied. REDUCE-IT studied a purified formulation of high-dose EPA, which resulted in higher EPA levels. This was similar to the results of another trial, which also found that pure EPA reduced the risk of cardiac events. The STRENGTH trial tested a combination of EPA and DHA. No large study has ever evaluated the effects on cardiovascular outcomes of purified DHA alone, leaving us to wonder whether DHA might counteract the benefits of EPA.”



EPA can help lower serum triglycerides, but other than that, my view is that vegans almost certainly do not benefit from DHA/EPA supplements, except perhaps during pregnancy and lactation.

I think the thing that trips people up is that it doesn’t follow that just because liver conversion is low or the content in red blood cell membranes is low, that there will necessarily be any tangible benefit to having more.


Elderberries, stinging nettle, plaintain(not the banana looking ones), dock(all of them), mustard seed and flowers, clover, chamomile, dandelion, palm fruit, bluegrass, aloe, mushrooms(all kinds), …there are more let me know what you find on these few examples … make sure to drinks lots of water….I suppose different algae’s if you live near saltwater and even freshwater systems.


Just shamelessly commenting that flax goop (just add water and strain) can be used in equal measure for most binding agents in baking and it isn’t that bad.

I’m not vegan ftr. Just think it might be useful information. Have a nice day. :)


Hello guys! I read somethink about this new method natural suplement.. but i wanna know if is really confiable.. someone can give me some help.. i apreciatte foxes. http://biotoxgold.site.pro

Have a good one!

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