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Help with binging

Iā€™ve been doing 16:8 for two weeks, and have been finding it ok except for strong hunger pains. But when I can eat again Iā€™m finding myself over eating due to the mentality of: yes! I can eat now! And feeling I need to eat lots to minimise the hunger pains Iā€™ll get later.

Due to this I havenā€™t lost any weight. (33f, 73kg).

I would greatly appreciate any advice or encouragement. Thank you šŸ˜Š

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Thereā€™s nothing much to do but change that mentality. Keep doing 16/8 until you find easier to control the hunger. Baby steps. You will find that ā€œhungerā€ itā€™s mostly our need to eat a comfort snack/food or seeing the clock and think that this is the time you would eat. I strongly recommend to get yourself busy to take away your head from food.

Iā€™m gonna give you an example. I did my 20/4 today. Came home, prepare my meals, ate and made a dessert to eat tomorrow. Iā€™m dying to eat that dessert. My stomach right now is grumbling. I KNOW Iā€™m not really hungry because i ate well. I know it just want the sweets. Sometimes itā€™s a bit hard to rationalize how we feel, but I trust that with time youā€™re going to accomplish that


Two weeks is awesome!! I think you should stick with the fasting, and donā€™t be too hard on yourself for the first month or so while your body is adjusting. However, you do need to work up to eating normally during your eating window before you can expect to see results.


I would: Stop IF, and do a few weeks of transitioning to:

then have another go at IF, and see if it goes easier. Good luck!

(*: vegetable fats often found in processed foods can play a large role in causing problematic insulin regulation - it is not all about the carbs.)

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