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Helping a beginner

Hi everyone, I’m a male, 28 yo, weight around 73 kg, height 170 cm, just started 16:8 for almost a week now, and i have the following questions:

  1. I’m working and studying right now and dont have much free time to go to a gym, any recommended home exercise for couch potatos anyone?
  2. Right now im not eating too much junk when i do but i didnt really took a look into what I’m eating, any recommended menus or better cooking/eating habits for eating better?(again.. i dont have much free time but i try to cook at least once a week for the rest of it)
  3. Any other habbit you can recommend that you felt that was supporting reaching your goals?(really, anything, i believe that changing a life style comes with more than just diet & exercise) Thanks!

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  1. Depends on what you want to do. There’s various couch to 5k programs all over the place as well as bodyweight routines, most designed to be knocked out in 30 min or so. I like to direct folks to the Hybrid Calisthenics one since he breaks down variations to tailor it to everyone’s starting ability.
  2. Best general advice, eat more whole ingredients and fewer processed items. Try to do a big meal prep during that once a week.
  3. Find a positive goal(s) that’s not just wanting to lose weight, something that will help motivate you to engage with the process not just the outcome.


Hi and welcome! Kudos for starting out with IF!

  1. Body weight exercises are always great if you don’t have equipment at home. If you can grab some dumbbells, there are some great exercise routines with those as well. I highly recommend checking out some YouTube videos, lots of options for people working out at home!

  2. Avoiding processed food is the main thing. Try to stick to whole, natural foods and you’ll do great. I like to throw a bunch of natural ingredients into the InstantPot for some soup, chili, etc - simple and tasty!

  3. SLEEP. There are a ton of studies showing that getting consistent, longer sleep will help your hormones stay balanced (less hunger, more satiety, lower insulin, lower cortisol). This is exactly what you want to shoot for. I recently upped my sleep and saw some pretty awesome weight loss results. Highly recommend!

Good luck! :)

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