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Hi all, posting here for some help

I posted this in r/fasting with little response and was hoping I could get a little encouragement/reassurance/help.

I’m new to these subs so if there is a better way or place I should be posting please let me know.

So here it goes, this is what I posted:

I’ve never posted to this sub before so if there is somewhere better I should post this etc. just let me know so I can fix it but here’s my issue, I have taken on every other day fasting and seem to have hit a bit of a wall with it 2 weeks in. So for about a week now I’ve been sitting around the same weight. Meaning I have been doing this for almost a month now and have been floating around 9lbs lost total.(I weigh myself daily every morning after I wake up if this information helps any).

My problem is that I can’t also exercise due to my health and I need to lose weight so I’ve turned to fasting. I’ve also tried Noom in the past and it worked while I was using it but I rebounded to my high weight quickly after my health plummeted again and it also got overwhelming balancing my health issues while accounting for CICO all the time.

Right now I am also on a somewhat restricted diet due to my acupuncturists instructions such as not being able to eat dairy, flour, pork, raw meats like sushi or fruits and sugars. I stick to it mostly but sometimes I do cheat with a little chocolate or sugar free, dairy free coconut milk ice cream, things of the like. In tandem with that he’s also given me herbal supplements and teas to take multiple times a day and I wonder if that’s breaking my fast. The only thing with that though is that theoretically I should still be in a caloric deficit because I’m not eating anything solid on altering days and on the days I do eat I have cut out snacking and mainly am just eating 2 meals on my eating days now and sometimes a smaller snack in the evening whereas before I was eating a lot more frequently with up to 3 meals a day while snacking and eating every day.

I’ve read online that it’s normal to plateau as your body adjusts before it picks back up in weight loss again but I’ve also read that you plateau because your not fasting enough, adjusting your diet enough or not exercising enough to counter the calories already being used or consumed.

I can’t do anything about the exercise because my condition won’t allow it but I’m surprised my weight loss has already stalled and I’m kind of at a loss on what I could do other than restricting even further and the diet the acupuncturist put me on already kinda leaves me hungry and still craving food 🤷🏻‍♀️.

What do you guys think? Anything I can do or that I may be over looking? Is this normal and I just need patience? Really any guidance and input would be appreciated so TYIA.

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There’s a lot to unpack in this so I’m going to try and break it into pieces. I’m not sure how helpful r/fasting is but I know r/intermittentfasting sub is very helpful and supportive. I think this sub is more meant for scholarly articles.

First, I don’t believe acupuncturists are medically licensed. If you are having inflammation and/or other issues, doing bloodwork and knowing the actual cause (hypothyroidism, celiac, RA, etc…) will help you make better health decisions.

Fruity and herbal teas will interrupt a fast.

Did you start right into ADF? That could be stressing your body alongside your underlying medical issues. It may be better to step back and reduce to a 20:4 or 18:6 fasting schedule to give your body more time to adjust.

Two weeks isn’t a long time to have given fasting enough of a chance. It is a process and takes time. If you took before pictures, compare them to now and see if you notice any changes. Your body composition could be changing regardless of what the scale says. I’ve seen it not recommend to watch the scale daily as weight can fluctuate several pounds day after day.

Upping your protein can help you feel fuller for longer and reduce cravings. Which looking at your restricted diet list looks like it leaves you with meat and veg. If your plateau persists then you may want look at your calories again.

I ran into a similar issue myself with ADF. I picked fasting back up at the beginning of December and quickly increased to 36 hr fasts. I dropped 10-ish lbs and plateaued there. I had to step back and take a look at what worked for me my previous time fasting (I gained all my weight back after starting telework at the start of covid shutdowns…) and it was reducing carb intake. I’ve been doing a mostly keto diet the past couple weeks and have broken my plateau. Not saying this is the answer but you have to figure out what works for you.

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