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Hi, do broccoli sprouts contain the same amount of chromium as regular broccoli?

Fully grown broccoli head has 22 micrograms of chromium per cup, does the seeds contain the same amount? and what is the difference between each one of them nutritionally? i cant find any on google except the fact it (broccoli sprouts) has 10 times more sulforaphane more than a regular grown broccoli. thank you!

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That made me wonder, is all the chromium (or elements/compounds) a plant needs in its seed? Or does it extract more chromium from the soil as it grows? I wish modern science could answer questions like these or there was a central resource where we could go to find this out.


Have you checked on something like cronometer? Make sure to use the NCCDB values

Certain elements are definitely taken up from the soil. If it wasn’t taken up by the broccoli plant, then how did it get into the seed? Not saying I know, it’s just interesting to think about.


I’ve searched and I’ve search and I cannot find a consensus if broccoli seeds have the same nutritional quantity as broccoli sprouts. Does anyone know. A clear answer? I just grind up the seeds with wasabi and capsule them together instead of sprouting.

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