| | Water Fasting

Hi guys just starting out.

Right now I’m 5’8 and 230 LBS, looking to lose a lot of weight. Probably somewhere around 70 pounds. I’ve started working out and eating healthier like fruits veggies nuts and meat. I get winded from the simplest tasks and start sweating after little movements. Within the next couple days I’m going to get a gym membership and start doing more cardio like walking/jogging. Which type of intermittent fasting should I do and how should I work up to fasting for 16, 20, or even 24 hours. Any other advice would be helpful.

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I would recommend, as others have, that you hold off on doing it all-at-once and leave the exercise for later. It’s not necessary for weight loss and in fact I find weight loss slows when I add exercise. Work on IF. Get the process down, get it integrated into your life. Make any food composition changes you need to. Focus on the process.

Do this for a month or more. Then, after you’re getting through each day without even thinking twice about your fasting and eating habits, add exercise.

IF with calorie restrictions is not easy. Especially if you need to adjust your food composition to eliminate simple carbs.

Most people start with 16:8. Get it down pat and hit your marks for fasting and for eating. Then consider 18:6 when it feels easy. Stick with that for a while and consider something more aggressive only if it feels like something you want to try.

Get devoted to the process, not the scale. Scales disappoint early on. Focus on daily actions. Execute your next fast. Execute your next eating window within your calorie limits. Those are the things you control. The scale will follow eventually.


If you’re just focusing on weight loss, I would start off doing 16/8 and skip the gym membership for now. Just be more active. Get a pedometer and make sure you’re hitting 10k steps a day. Then add in 30 mins of cardio (jogging, cycling, whatever) 4-5 times a week. Make sure it’s something you can stick to as well as build a good base before spending money on a gym membership.

I was 5’9’’ 230 and started being serious about weight loss against right around December 1. I’m currently 197 as of this morning with walking 10k steps a day and cycling for ~30 mins 4-5 times a week. But I’m familar with IF from a couple years ago

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Categories: working out fruit meat cardio intermittent fasting to fast weight loss habits calorie restriction carbs eating window morning