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Hi is it normal to gain weight during fasting?

So I basically gained 2 pounds even though I was fasting as usual. The only difference is that I started doing exercise and cardio to help me burn more fat and I only ate 1000 calories yesterday. I do a 22-2 hour fast everyday and have been steadily losing weight without exercise so why did I suddenly gain weight? I’ve been fasting for two weeks and this is the first time this has happened. Pls help what I’m doing wrong?

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Totally normal if you just started adding in exercise. Down the road it may be due to gaining muscle but if you are experiencing this after one day /workout it is water weight. When you exercise, you are creating micro tears in your muscles. This causes inflammation and your muscles hold on to more water as part of the repair process. All good in the long run, just not great to see on the scale. I exercise on my 7 day fasts and I always am the same or heavier the next day after I workout. The next day however it’s back to normal unless I workout a different area lol. So don’t sweat it!


Fun fact. Strenuous exercise can actually stress your body to the point it retains more fluid that usual, especially if it’s sudden and unusual to the body. So it’s likely water weight gain and you just need to continue on and give some time for the body to understand what’s actually happening.


If I exercise too much and eat too little then my body retains fluid from increased cortisol. Don’t over exercise. Marathon training ruined my health. I basically gave it all up, lost 15 lbs and never looked better.

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