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Hi my names mark and im an addict

I am addicted to sugar and although Ive tried intermittent fasting before and had some success I have decided to have another go, in order to make myself more accountable im laying it out on the line - I started a youtube and a tiktok and im just going to post short vlogs on what im eating, what im doing for a work out and if I want to buy anything like a treat im going to put it out there as a video (hopefully just the fact that I know I have to post it will stop me from eating or buying it).

You can check out my intro video here if you like (i dont mind if you do or do not look at it). Something about posting both your picture online or even a video online of myself is very scary.




Heres a pic of me today, currently weighing in at 238 lbs. Im 6’2” for reference.



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r/sugarfree and the book and podcast Food Junkies are very good. Also, check out Dopamine Nation and diversify the ways you get endorphins form your mouth to hobbies, creativity, movement, playing with pets, spirituality, music, learning a new skill boosts dopamine, connection with self and others boosts serotonin, etc, etc. Work on emotion management tools and make a list of non-food rewards. Good luck!


If it helps, the best thing I did for myself was to wean off. I know that isn’t something the works for everyone, since some do better with an “all or nothing” technique. I started first dialing in what would be a good eating window for my lifestyle. Then in my window if I wanted something sweet, I would have it one day, then have nothing sugary the next day. I did a day with/day without for about a week, then did every two days, every 3 days, and so on. It got to the point where I was no longer craving the sweet/sugary items and when eating something in that category I would only be able to take a few bites before it became too much. Now, I am able to indulge when I want something since the cravings are few and far between (thanks stupid period hormones) and it doesn’t create a new incessant urge since I’m not having it often. I also find that when I indulge in something I make (I’m a baker) I’m far less likely to eat too much since I am not using artificial stuff like you might find in processed sweets.

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