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Himalayan Pink Sea Salt

I bought Pepper Creek Farms Himalayan Pink Sea Salt before it occurred to me that “Himalayan Sea Salt” is probably not a thing. It’s either one or the other. Am I right about this? Now I am skeptical. Is there a high prevalence of fake salt being sold?

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Fake salt? Salt is salt. Doesn’t matter if it’s pink, black, grey, or whatever other fancy buzz descriptors. None of the varieties have any more nutrition in any meaningful amounts to make a dietarily significant difference than plain old table salt… which actually does, in fact, have a nutrient the others don’t…


There used to be an inland sea in the Himalayas. The salt is harvest from the bed of that.

The scam is spending money on special salt. The only reason to spend money on sea salt vs cheaper table salt is crystal size. Don’t need to spend more money on woowoo pink salt :)


Just did a quick google, “Pink Himalayan Sea Salt” seems to be a thing, or at least other companies are selling it as well.

It may be a requirement to get around false advertising laws, so they can bulk up the rock salt with cheaper sea salt without getting in trouble for it.

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