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Hitting plateau! Help?

Hit plateau for 1 month. Help!

Hey I’m 19m and 6’1. I started fasting 5 months ago and I went down from 213lbs to 180lbs currently. However I want to loose more as I still have a high body fat % (25%). But I can’t shake off 180lbs. I’ve been doing OMAD and eating about 1400 calories though it’s probably more like 1500. I also excerise now almost daily though probably 5 days a week on the treadmill for about 220-300 calories. However I still am not going below 180lbs. Why?

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This is the part where you have to start doing trial and error with your journey. Either start with your gym sessions by upping the time you’re on the treadmill and test that out for two weeks to see. If that doesn’t work maybe you need to up your calories based on your height and weight and continue your treadmill for your regular treadmill of 220-300 calories. Best of luck to you!

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