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Holiday weight gone

I feel so frustrated but still good I guess. I lost nearly a hundred pounds intermittent fasting in 2019 and figured I would live like this forever. And then December 2019 my mom lost her house of 29 years. March 2020 we all know what happened. I started heavily drinking pretty much as soon as I woke up. Everything in my life got turned on its head. My mom moved in with me. Bought a company. Was homeschooling. Crying pretty much every day. I decided in 2021 that I needed to get my life back. Things were starting to return to normal so I started fasting again lost 10 lb then I fell out my back door and sprained and broke my ankle. I don’t rely much on exercise for weight loss but basic moving became a chore and I got pretty sedentary. Then my sister died. Need I say more? More crying more eating more drinking. I stopped fasting but I didn’t gain any more weight in 2021 surprisingly. That was until October 18th when my 110 lb mother who builds and moves furniture for living and hasn’t touched fast food in 20 years had a massive heart attack. she survived but it’s stressed me the f* out because I could not lose another person. Then between October and December I gained 5 lb. I started fasting again the first Monday in January and I’m already down 5 lb. 45 more pounds to go till I was back where I was in 2019. And hopefully this time the entire universe doesn’t throw a sack of bricks and my life. But honestly after everything I’ve been through in the last 2 years I’m not sure anything can phase me.

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Have you considered therapy? It might be helpful to get perspective and also get help developing better coping mechanisms than self-medicating with food and alcohol.

You’ve certainly gone through it. Love & light to you for the coming year.


Hey ! I’m so sorry that happened to you. You are so strong.
Don’t forget that your mental health is ALWAYS more important than dieting. IF shouldn’t be something that hurts you in any ways. If you need to stop fasting for a while, it’s okay. Your progresses won’t be ruined if you keep a balanced and healthy diet while you stop IF. But if you have a hard time keeping a balanced diet, and you tend to overeat bc of stress / pressure, i suggest that you see a therapist or a nutritionist (: Or just talk to someone that you trust.
2022 is a new year, i wish you the best ! Take care (:

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