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honey as sweetener In tea?

I’ve recently gotten back into IF after trying it and not breaking it for a few months a year and a half ago, now however I have a job that has me waking up really early and I like a bit of tea to start my day. I’ve been putting in a small spoon of honey in mine as well as lemon, but I’m wondering if honey is okay given how it’s basically just (while all natural) sugar. If it’s not should I put more lemon? Or invest in a zero calorie sweetener like stevia?

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No on the honey. It’s a concentrated sugar and it will raise your blood sugar level unless you are ingesting very little of it.

Stevia is a better choice, but…

  1. some people respond to artificial sweeteners (including stevia) by releasing insulin, and
  2. some “stevias” are a mix of stevia with other sweeteners. So read the label.

Good luck!

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