| | Water Fasting


Can someone please explain how fasts longer than 3-4 days work? I see comments and posts saying that people have gone 2+ WEEKS. Am i missing something? I just don’t understand how that’s possible, im sure you see great benefits from it but like…HOW? Y’all are insane…i want to be you.

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Just supplements and not giving in in the moment I guess? I can do 48 hrs consistently but then after some social event where everyone eats I give in and break my fast 🙄. After you get used to fasting (I’ve been doing for two months now) it’s not physically uncomfortable so it becomes just a mind game


If you’re asking “how” in terms of biology, the answer is that there’s 3,500 calories in every pound of fat, which means someone with 50 pounds of fat strapped to them has - conservatively - a 50-day reserve of energy.

If you’re asking “how” in terms of discipline, the magic trick is that it gets much, much easier after the second day. Day 7 of a fast doesn’t feel noticeably harder than Day 3.


Here are a couple of videos to watch that explains how this is possible:

WATER FASTING: The Complete Guide (Fastest Fat Loss Method)

HOW TO BREAK A FAST: Best Results & Worst Mistakes (Refeed Syndrome)